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Pretty funny
Posted by David Hardy · 12 July 2012 09:06 AM
A spokesman for Soros-funded "Citizens for Resposibility and Ethics in Washington writes three letter to the House asking that Rep. Issa be sanctioned for inserting parts of wiretap requests in the Congressional Record, and admits she hasn't bothered to read those segments.
People today seem to think it's okay to be an idiot. There's a rape/murder case of a 12 year old in my state that's been pending trial for four years. Another delay was just handed down because the defense attorney suddenly discovered he can't make the scheduled trial start.
I realize this is a tactic to hope people forget that the guy killed and raped his niece and raped another young girl, but that the judge allows these delays to keep happening bothers me. I'm not a legal expert, but it seems to me that sometimes the word "NO" is just necessary.