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Bloomberg put foot in mouth
Mayor Bloomberg suggests police should go on strike to support restrictions on private ownership of guns. Now, that makes sense. You should give up your arms because the police might, for political reasons, refuse to protect you.
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As we'd expect, he has this classic sequence exactly backwards. Anarcho-tyranny works by first disarming the populace, then withdrawing police protection from groups you want to punish or destroy, as NuLabour did to the rural U.K. and some other areas.
Under the Taylor Act, a NY public employee cannot advocate or participate in a strike. Bloomie obviously doesn't know or care about this law. And so what other law might he find inconvenient?
On the other hand, were such a strike to happen, the police and their masters would not regain the confidence of many who now feel protected for a long time. It would highlight that criminals don't stop in mid-stride while you call 911. A major myth would explode. Bloomie might not be able to get an elected job higher than dogcatcher.
I watched it all the way through and feel dumber for doing so.