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Obama Administration discovers the Constitution
Apparently they have a version that allows the Executive to spend unappropriated money if it serves his "constitutional responsibility" to wield power and hire friends.
I can't find that clause in my own copy. I just find "No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law." Maybe I've got an outdated version. But I'm sure my copy of the anti deficiency act is up to date. So is the provision making violation a felony.
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See? They're using that new, secret Constitution.
It might be kinda fun to reverse engineer it. First thing is to get rid of all clauses that begin, "Congress shall make no law", "shall not be infringed" and similar phrases.
Next, re-write the Commerce Clause so that it says, "all commerce, being national in scope and necessary to the prosperity of the government, shall be subject to Federal regulation, taxation and subject to requirement for purchase by the People."
And "the People shall have no standing to contest laws made by Congress." Followed by, "The President shall not be required to enforce laws, except as he sees fit." I think these last two might balance out nicely.
Don't forget the second part of the Commerce Clause, which states that, since people might hypothetically move from one state to another, anything that a person does (or fails to do) affects interstate commerce. That's the part that the 1942 Court relied on in Wickard v. Filburn.
Leave it to the imagination of those that repeatedly violate their oath of office to OBEY and protect the Constitution.
If you can't obey the simple to understand, then obfuscate with legalese in order to bend to the demands of that oligarchy of banksters and big corporate monopolies that own your representatives through their special interest bribery.
Restore the Constitution locally and lead by example so that liberty permeates upward through city/county/state. The states should relish restoring the 10th amendment.
What is wrong with you all?
You all have to remember, the US Constitution says whatever our dear leader says it does.
Questions: Who signs the cheques and can that person legally be forced under threat of ? to sign the cheque if he/she refuses to do so. Does the -resident have authority to physically take money from the country's coffers to pay for his pet projects and to pay his pets salaries?
I believe your analysis of spending without authorization of the House is unconstitutional, or even illegal, but how would these laws be enforced? By the "Justice" Department.
It is to laugh!