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More on Fast and Furious (Gunwalker)
Fox News reveals that (1) there was a third Gunwwalker gun found at the scene of Agent Terry's murder; (2) this one came from Texas; (3) the FBI covered it up to protect its informant within the cartel; (4) that informant was the guy who procured the three guns.
David Codrea critiques Eric Holder's sorta-denial that high level DOJ people knew of the gun-running. "Something that, at this point, I don't think is supported by the facts." That's not "it isn't true"; it's attorney-speak for "you can't prove it. Now, anyway."
And the video of the White house(DOJ?) talking head/spokes person bragging about hiring x# of new ATF/BP agents to help with the "Fast and Furious" program.