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Eric Holder's position on Gunwalker
OK, so his subordinates were letting guns go to the drug cartels, getting people killed by the dozens, arguably committing acts of war against Mexico, without bothering to ask permission from their superiors. And the discipline imposed is ... the US Attorney for AZ has to resign, and the Ass't US Attorney directly involved gets transferred across the hall, from doing criminal work to doing civil work. Sounds more like "OK, you did your job, but we've been a little embarrassed by this" rather than "you insubordinate morons got people killed."
Of course we all know that should Gunwalker have actually made any cartel arrests, it would have been "I was the mastermind behind this! It was all my idea."
The Potomac Two-step. The reality is, not only did Holder know about it, Obama did as of March, 2009. http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/MexicoBor&start=800