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Dick Cheney, and the gov'ts amicus in Heller
Part of his autobiography to be released tomorrow. The Circuit Court of Appeals had struck down the DC law; the government wound up filing an amicus that argued the Supreme Court should send the case back to the District Court, to develop factual bases for a great number of issues. That is, the government was doing as much as it could to delay and complicate the case, while at the same time saying that it really did support an individual right. Cheney says he opposed this, and when Justice Department went ahead, he signed onto a legislators' amicus (in his role as president of the Senate) that did go all-out for an individual right.
Hat tip to Sixgun Sarah....
If you want to order his book on Amazon, here's the link:
In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir
4 Comments | Leave a comment
I'm willing to forgive and trade off a lefthanded somewhat casual "maybe we.." utterance for the massive, well-structured/well-planned boost he gave for Heller.
Also, at this point he's an ex-Prez with other PR issues (at least to some folks) - so what he says won't get much traction
If we keep our guard up there will be no such new mag laws getting enough traction to get out of committee, let alone Congress or Senate.
Do also remember that GWB's (Bush II) utterance about "renewing an AW ban" - despite work by Karl Rove to stop it in other arenas - was pushback for some unfortunate exuberant NRA staffers saying "they were gonna be able to work out of the White House". Rule 1 of Politics: don't burn a friend.
Bill Wiese
San Jose CA
I can't give him a pass on the magazine issue. He did a great job on Heller, but if he was truly living the pro-gun life he wouldn't have said it. He would have offered a better defense. I guess he's just getting old. Seems to happen to Republicans when they get older. Reagan got soft on guns later in life. Goldwater seemed to lose his conservative edge. It's just happening to Cheney too.
Reagan's 2nd Amendment credentials started downhill in 1967. Google up the Mulford Act. Unconstitutional then and now.
Hasn't Cheney since come out in support of magazine capacity limits? Guess he's not as pro-gun as we would hope.