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Academic debates on gun control can get ugly
John Lott tells the story of one. I'll add a detail. The fellow who the nut claims is an NRA shill is regarded as the dean of American criminology, with studies and writings going back to before I got out of high school in 1969. Some years ago he wrote a preface for Gary Kleck's surveys that found millions of defensive gun uses, in which he stated that he hated guns, and if he could make every gun in the country disappear instantly, he would do it, but Kleck's data was comprehensive, his methods impeccable, and he could not quarrel with the result. He's honest and impartial, and very far from a gunnyy. He just is comfortable with the truth, and so his nutso critic isn't comfortable with him.
Gee, this sounds familar.
Can you say Anthropogenic Global Warming?