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Changes at NRA HQ
Jim Baker is returning to become head of ILA Federal Affairs; Chuck Cunningham, in that post, will move to State and Local Affairs; Randy Kozuch, there now, will move to Endowments.
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Wonder if this portends LaPierre retiring and Cox moving in to his spot?
If LaPierre retires, the NRA would do itself a huge favor getting an outside candidate. The NRA seems, from the outside, to be a huge inbred inward focused organization.
LaPierre does not look like a man who is considering retiring.
Echoing above: Uh, wow....
My understanding was Wayne was brought in as a straight shooter to fix some of JJB's damage and spending.
I hope JJBs more settled in his life now such that it will not compromise his leadership.
The guy makes over 500k a year ...why would he retire?
"The guy makes over 500k a year ...why would he retire?"
Double that and you will be closer to the mark. LaPierre is NRA head for life, he is not going to be replaced until HE decides he wants to be replaced.
Uhh... Wow.