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Good news re: Gary Tudesko expulsion
Good news. 17 year old Gary Tudesko had been expelled from Willows High School in California, after he went duck hunting, then on to class, and left his shotgun locked in a vehicle parked off campus. NRA got Chuck Michel's firm to serve as his advocate, and today the Glenn County Board of Education reversed the expulsion order.
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And what about punishing the school fascists who illegally harassed this young man?
Coverage in the local paper quotes both the school principal and the district superintendent as outraged, as both seem still convinced that they do have the right to total student control, on or off school property and time.
The bright note is that the school was ordered to reimburse legal costs to the student and his family.
Now their victory would be complete if they moved the kid to a private school to finish getting his diploma.
They are doing him no favor by returning charge of his education to those retards.
Home-school him and let him hunt and shoot every day!!!
The hearing minutes record what the young man's supporters have been saying all along:
1. The school district exceeded it's authority;
2. The acts on which the expulsion was based did not fall under the school's jurisdiction;
3. The pupil was not afforded a fair hearing;
4. The pupil was not allowed to present exculpatory evidence;
5. The principal made prejudicial comments at the hearing indicating that the student could have avoided expulsion by confessing to a crime;
6. The school district was guilty of a prejudicial abuse of discretion by failing to consider other corrective actions;
7. The school district failed to make a finding that the presence of the student on campus caused a continuing danger to the physical safety of other students;
8. The school district was ordered to reinstate the student, expunge all references to the expulsion, and pay all costs incurred by the student's parents.
Justice is expensive, but I'm really glad to see that the NRA and the California Rifle & Pistol Ass'n. stood up when it counted and helped this young man and his family with good legal representation. Pats on the back and well-done all around!
Okay, aside from the RKBA issue here, if he got any ducks, where the heck did he put them? Did he gut them and throw them into an ice chest?
The thoughts on food handling in this scenario leave me with a real "YUCK!"