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Million plus guns sold in August
Figures here. To be precise, just over a million background checks, a rough measure (new sales may be higher than checks since a buyer can purchase multiple guns via one background check, and the dealer only has to run checks for buyers who don't have CCW permits, or new sales may be less than checks because a dealer has to run checks to sell used guns, too). Still, an impressive number, and 9,000,000 bought so far this year. (I can remember back to when sales were under half that).
I can't see how it's as simple as gun owners fearing the Obama Administration. That might fuel a short surge, but one lasting 7 months and still going strong? If it is that, then the Administration could end the recession tomorrow by announcing that it wanted to ban automobiles, real estate transactions, etc..
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But what is happening with ammo and primers??
I've had mine for quite awhile but there still seems to be a shortage?
I get notices from a number of on-line retailers. Ammo, powder, bullets and primers are appearing on an irregular basis. But, if you wait too long after receiving the notice, they are all gone. The ammo supply has gotten better in the last month.
Hmm. Good start!