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Embarassment for Bloomberg mayor's group
Some mayors are protesting that the group lists their names when they've never joined.
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In these times, people need to realize that there
are more matters far more important than the
all mighty dollar and that we need to do what
our founding nations fathers and mothers did and
die and/or stand up for what is true and right.
If slavory was worth a civil war, then there are
matters now at stake far more imporatnt than
color, our "rights & freedom".
It starts with the second ammendment, then works
it's way further down the rabbit hole. Pretty soon
we all will be corking forks & then giving up
every other right we have and privacy.
On and on and on, etc. Bar codes or we'll be
Experiments now are being done, just to test
the reaction of US citizens. The government
is violating your legal rights. If no protest, then
they keep doing it. Obama is a perfect example.
Nanny Bloomberg doesn't care. With money like his, he can buy mayors, elections, you name it.