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Is Nordyke's 2A/14A section holding or dictum?
Over at the Volokh Conspiracy, Prof. Volokh argues that Nordyke's finding that the 14th Amendment incorporates the 2nd Amendment is part of its holding, and not dictum.
BTW, postings have been slack because I'm still recovering from the operation. Had a complication, infection, that put me on my back for days, and now another -- a tube into me that came partially loose -- and this does tend to reduce blogging time!
8 Comments | Leave a comment
Intersting series of arguments and discussion there, thanks. And get well, ok?
take care of yourself first, blogging can wait.
Like the others, I'm more than willing to take limited / no blogging now in exchange for many years of continued blogging after your recovery.
I wish I could understand what you're saying here. More lawyer double speak.
@Anonymous: That's unfortunate, because the dividing line between dicta and holding is an important one. The holding is legally binding caselaw, dictum is essentially supporting information that is not legally binding. Knowing which part of a court opinion is legally binding is naturally a very important distinction.
"More lawyer double speak."
Yes, because law is the ONLY field of human endeavor which has developed its own terminology and usage, requiring some level of (gulp) familiarization...
Miss your posts, but getting well is job one. Best wishes to you sir.
Feel better soon! You gotta be healthy enough to come up to Chicago for our victory celebration!