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BATFE explosives ruling overturned
Summary and link to opinion here. Issue was whether a model rocket fuel crossed the line from "burns fast" into "explosive." Court gave the agency two tries at formulating and explaining its ruling, and it still couldn't get it right.
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Hey, this was a no-brainer. You guys all think the federal government never loses these APA cases. Well, the feds lose APA and other type cases all the time. In fact, pretty much the only time the federal government is pretty much guaranteed a win is when it is a machine gun case. Seriously, I can most likely count the number of machine gun cases the federal government has ever lost on one hand.
Of course all this is in the name of "reasonable" restrictions on the right to keep and bear Arms!!
As I've said, NO ONE can define "reasonable" to EVERYONE's satisfaction except for none at all. There can be no restriction on the ownership but there can be punishments for improper use.
I'm still waiting for someone to show me "reasonable" in the Second amendment. Not there? Well, well.
Dominus providebit!
It took 9 YEARS. And cost a bunch. How many fell because they couldn't take the time or spend the money?
One of the problems with the model rocketry folks was they tried to go-along-to-get-along and work 'with' the ATF on this, instead of sticking to their point. This was told to me by a friend who is as avid a model rocketeer as he is a 2A proponent. He tried to warn the rocketry "lobby" group what would happen, but they wouldn't listen.
The comments over at rocketryplanet are fantastic. And I thought gun nuts got excited when court rulings went their way.