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AHSA post election
I vote for Willing Shills.
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In related news, Ray Schenke told the national media today that he is "Shocked . . . SHOCKED, to find that gambling has been going on in this establishment!"
I understand that,in the current Administration, the term of art is "Useful idiots"
AHSA does not support HR 45. And HR 45 makes absolutely no sense.
Colin - aren't you associated with AHSA? Are you speaking on behalf of that organization?
It's interesting that Shoenke is proud of being Obama's "surrogate." While he might think writing a letter opposing an AWB renewal gives him credibility with un-thinking gun owners, it sure exposes him to the valid assertion that the NRA's "fear mongering" really was in touch with Obama & Co.'s anti-gun record.
Excerpted verbatium from AHSA amicus brief in the Heller case...
"Inasmuch as the D.C. Gun Law prevents D.C. residents from participating in federally-operated,federally-supervised, and federally-mandated programs,it necessarily affects a unique federal function and therefore is expressly barred by the D.C. Home Rule Act. The argument advanced by amici would in no way prevent the D.C. Council from enacting reasonable regulations relating to possession, safety, and registration of firearms in the District. Indeed, it has a responsibility to the public to do so. Amici believe that the District’s Gun Law was a laudable effort. However, insofar as it improperly impedes Defense Department programs vital to the national defense, it exceeds the bounds of the D.C. Home Rule Act."
Wow AHSA are such staunch defenders of the 2nd amendment!! Yeah...I'm suppose to believe AHSA won't support HR45.
Some might say my tinfoil hat is too tight but I think AHSA knows the assault weapons ban is a political loser and they are plotting a longer term strategy. This is an easy way for them to salvage any credibility as a second amendment advocacy group in the short term. I think they will use this as a way to say to America...see everything that the NRA said about is wrong. Then I see them supporting HR 45...licensing of all firearms owners. If HR 45 becomes law and the government knows where the semi auto firearms are, then I think AHSA will support an assault weapons ban. OK taking off my tinfoil hat...