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Massacre in Mumbai
Cherry River Blog has deep thoughts.
I'd agree. It's hard to envision hundreds of American civilians or dozens police standing by while four guys shot up a hotel full of people, encountering no resistance. Look to that situation in LA where the attackers had AKs, the outgunned police went to a local gun store and got the owner to loan them serious equipment, and went back into the fight. Or the cowtown experience recounted by Elmer Keith, where a fellow robbed a restaurant, barricaded himself in a hotel room and proclaimed he'd kill anyone who came in.
The locals figured he probably would, so they just took their rifles and shot the hotel room, and the robber, full of holes. He didn't want to be taken alive, and they were agreeable to that.
But at the end, Cherry River has an even better example. I won't spoil it for you.
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Several school shootings were stopped by administrators or students obtaining their personal weapons and confronting the attackers. The mall shooting in Utah was stopped because an off-duty cop took the fight to the gunman, stopping him until more cops could arrive. The church shooting stopped by the armed volunteer.
While there are some places where it's practically impossible for civilians to be armed in public, and those places might suffer considerable casualties, they still have police forces who are required to train regularly with their weapons. We now know that the Indian police, while they might have had weapons, had little ammunition and no practical experience, most hadn't fired a weapon in years, due to shortages of ammunition and shooting facilities. And every American city, and a fair number of the towns, has a trained SWAT team, and other officers trained to operate tactically with their fellow officers. Not to mention the large numbers of military combat veterans, street thugs, martial artists, and other people who know how to fight back, whether armed or unarmed.
Does anyone have cites for the administrators/students stopping school shootings. There is that idiot in LA. Who needs to be pointed to them
This article lists some of the school shootings stopped by armed bystanders or school officials. There was at least one shooting in California stopped by an off-duty police officer who was at the school on personal business, as well.
Couple of points on Cherry Rivers post -
1. Its already happened here. No, not 9/11. Last year, the Utah mall shooter. He got a Muslim hero's burial in Bosnia.
2. The Indian attack wasn't a failure. They didn't kill 5,000 but they didn't need to accomplish their goal. And that was? To get into Muslim heaven quickly by killing infidelss (non-Muslims, thats you and me brother, sub-humans under Muslim law).
But yes, neither the cops nor individual armed citizens would stand by and wait for the Commandos. But it would still be bloody, the attackers would get what they want (at least to a degree) and the American media and left-wing apolgists would still not identify the real enemy - Islam.
See my proposal for dealing with that at -
There is another example, too. When Charles Whitman opened up from the University of Texas Tower, civilians with their personal firearms joined law enforcement officers in returning fire.