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Mixed results in PA
Easton PA votes down a proposal to criminalize failure to report gun theft, after the city solicitor advises that the proposal itself is illegal. But Pittsburgh passes it, with the chief sponsor remarking, “Who really cares about it being unconstitutional?"
Nothing like officials who care about their oath of office...
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Is there no "before the fact" check on government bodies passing unconstitutional laws and ordinances, and then using taxpayer dollars to defend (and ultimately lose) the laws?
Is the only check on this the constituents (who if they cared) would vote such supporters out of office?
Little wonder the good Councilwoman thinks the Constitution is of no matter-
After all, our new Dear Leader, who asserts he is a constitutional law professor, says the old rag is a "flawed document" anyway, and judges should ignore it and go with their feelings in the moment.
It's much easier to rule when those law thingies are flexible.
It sure seems with the big cities there are so many people on the tit that that they can't ever get too much government in their lives. People outside of the cities want less government.
I think much of it goes back to people not knowing (not being taught, in many cases) just how important the US Constitution and even the several state constitutions are when it comes to matters of law.
A country governed by foundational laws, which forces a somewhat convoluted process to change those laws, is in fact living under a conservative approach to governance, since conservatism only supports change slowly.
Liberalism, on the other hand, does not like any impediment to changing foundational laws (such as the Constitution) when the the laws in question chafe them. I've a feeling that someone in Pittsburgh is chafed.
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Councilwoman Payne's contact info:
Telephone: 412-255-2134
Fax: 412-255-0737
City County Building
Suite 510/Floor 5
414 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Or just submit comments here:
The purpose of these laws are to make it difficult to evade punishment for breaking future laws requiring all firearms to be sold through dealers.
Fight them.
"Once elected, it's a simple matter of taking the oath of office, in which you pledge "that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of this State and the Charter of this City and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of office to the best of my ability."
Impeach the treacherous witch....didn't she take some sort of oath that included supporting the law, the state constitution, and the US Constitution?