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An NRA of Israel!
Story here.
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Very interesting ... you can read on gun bulletin boards that Israel has one of the most "armed" civilian populations in the world, and you certainly see settlers on the news going everywhere with their holstered side arms.
Now it turns out that it is a country with a great deal of gun control?
"Now it turns out that it is a country with a great deal of gun control?"
It always has been, one of the legacies of the left-leaning past of its founders and of the British colonial rule.
That many settlers have a gun is a fact. Emphasis on **A** gun. They must be licensed to even own it - though if you own it, you can carry it. One gun - pistol or rifle, is about all you get (unless you're well-connected). Having prior military experience is a must, unless you are living in the occupied territories. You can't buy as much ammo as you want, either - one box per year for one's self, though you can buy what you use on the range. No reloading.
Actually, as far as gun rights most American cities are better. Heck, New Jersey is better in some ways (though infinitely worse regarding carry and full autos) - you can reload, you can buy more than one gun, you can buy as much ammo as you'd like.
Israel DOES need its equivalent of the NRA.
"'The general trend to transplant American ideas to other countries is often not successful or very useful,' said Gerald Steinberg."
Arrogant prick. And factually incorrect to boot. Our music and films certain transplant American ideas to other countries, and do so on a massive scale.