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Practical aspects of campus gun bans
Posted by David Hardy · 22 October 2008 10:28 AM
Liberated self has a post regarding Ohio State. The newspaper finally carried a story about on-campus crime, because an officer had to shoot a perp after he stabbed another officer. But, as pointed out, there had been seven robberies within the past seven days that went uncovered. Most involve gangs of perps who travelled a fair distance to get to the easy pickings on campus.
Like the campus where I profess, we have signs "No firearms allowed". When I came here in the 60s, every cowboy had a rifle in the back window rack of his pickup.
Now, we have a place with an open season on wusses (most faculty and staff). Liberals (in the modern sense not classical, just don't get it. Heck, I ok to even let liberals own guns. But we better teach them not to look down the barrel when it misfires. Maybe not!