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NRA ads churning up a battle
NRA is running anti-Obama TV ads, and FactCheck.org claims that they're false. Gist of the article seems to be: NRA says Obama is antigun, Obama's campaign denies it, therefore NRA must be lying. Duh....
It's being picked up by pro-Obama blogs under titles such as "Fact checkers find that National Rifle Association is spreading flat-out lies".
National Review Online has a point-by-point rebuttal of the FactCheck article.
Here's a narrower but more detailed critique of some of the FactCheck claims. And here's another.
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I sure agree wiith Confederate Yankee. I will no longer rely on fact check as a reliable source.
Bill-TB you are so right.
Obama's own site just posted his commitment to make the expired Assault Weapons Ban Permanant.
Now there's a 'New" Fact for FactCheck to check.
Megan Kelly of FOX all but got in the face of an Obama spokesman on this earlier today. She knew he was lying and hit him with the documents to prove it.
Yeah, great fact checking. Disappointing, they've been pretty good. I thought the idea here was to investigate a politician's word, not take it as gospel?
I don't know how to make a link, but Volokh has a rundown also.
there's just no such thing as objective. it's sad when factcheck starts making claims -- also known as opinions.
Fact check is funded by Annenberg. The name may be familiar - they gave Obama and Ayers $100+ million, supposedly to improve education in Chicago. It didn't do that, but they did manage to train a lot of lefty activists and activities, many of which are now helping Obama....
Follow-the-money is far more useful for tracking lefties than righties.
Gun control smokes out another phony liberal group masquerading as fair.