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Nevada ACLU breaks ranks
ACLU of Nevada has broken with the national position:
"The Nevada ACLU respects the individual's right to bear arms subject to constitutionally permissible regulations. The ACLU of Nevada will defend this right as it defends other constitutional rights. This policy was formulated by our afilliate Board in light of both the U.S. Constitution and the clearly-stated individual right to bear arms as set out in the Nevada Constitution's Declaration of Rights."
I wouldn't be surprised if ACLU of Texas soon joins them.
Hat tip to Say Uncle.
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"subject to constitutionally permissible regulations."
i suppose "shall not be infringed" would keep such regulations awfully few in number.
"subject to constitutionally permissible regulations."
No doubt their support will be along the same lines as Obama's support for the 2nd amendment.
Vote for Obambi and your 2ND Amendment Right will be put into a testicle lock-box.
Vote for Obambi and your 2ND Amendment Right will be put into a testicle lock-box.
McCain will do the same thing, only unlike Obama, he's open about it.
As to Pronography/Abortion being protected, I know this isn't a First amendment blog but Pronography IS protected by the First Amendment and for good reason. Just because you find it distasteful (out in the open, but behind closed doors....) does not mean it should be banned.
The ALCU and NRA actually teamed up on a case of a public library banning access to gun websites. So for all our guy's knocking of the ACLU, most (but some of it is) of it's unfair and really based on one's affiliation with the GOP.
I guess that public library found gun websites distasteful.... wow that slippery slope works both ways.
This is excellent news! Thank you again Mr. Hardy
BILL-TB wrote: "Vote for Obambi and your 2ND Amendment Right will be put into a testicle lock-box.
McCain will do the same thing, only unlike Obama, he's open about it."
In terms of McCain ... he's not perfect, but he's far better than BHO in terms of guns. He voted for protection of the gun industry ... against a renewal of the assault ban ... in comparison BHO has never seen a gun law/ban he didn't approve of (until he was asked about it after it was overturned, of course).
If we manage to get McCain in office, we'll have a president that is also somewhat responsive to the Republican party in general, which tends to be more pro-gun. BHO who would be responsive to the democrats, the party which includes senior members who are rabidly pro gun ban.
There's no comparison between McCain and BHO ... McCain is far better. At least on this subject.
OK. Now let's see if they actually do anything to defend the Second Amendment, and if so, how they go about it. It's common for politicians and advocacy groups to claim they support a given concept or policy, but to do exactly the opposite, all the while claiming that what they're doing is the truest form of support.
Great news! There may be hope for the ACLU yet. It may not be possible, but I think the key ACLU groups to turn are those in California since that is where a lot of litigation will take place in the future. Perhaps the San Diego branch should be focused on next.
followup link...
"In terms of McCain ... he's not perfect, but he's far better than BHO in terms of guns."
When you ask yourself how we got a machine gun ban, look in the mirror when you say that statement.
"If we manage to get McCain in office,"
We'll all be dead inside of 6 years.
"we'll have a president that is also somewhat responsive to the Republican party in general"
Are you kidding? Machine Guns? Assault Wepaons? The GOP hates us and wants to get rid of us all.
You MUST carry an NRA membership to delude yourself like that.
NOW fragmented over Simpson, the national office wanted to support him while some of the local offices thought he should not be given a race break.
NOW is effectively dead.
The ACLU may well go the same way, if they don't wise up.
I can only hope that the Texas ACLU follows the Nevada ACLU and also breaks ranks with the National office. I'd love to see the TSRA and the Texas ACLU team up to lobby for change allowing CHL on college campuses in Texas and allowing employees to at least keep handguns locked in their cars on their employer's property...
I work for a Texas public university and have a CHL, and I carry everywhere except to work, at work, and coming from work. Even if the law gets changed, though, I worry the university could still keep the no-gun thing as part of university regulations governing employees so that only the (mostly upperclassmen and graduate) students could carry...unless the Texas Ledge specifically restrains university employers from doing that.
Which of the following rights has the ACLU determined is NOT protected by the U.S. Constitution?:
a. Child molestation (NAMBLA)
b. Abortion
c. Pronography
d. Individual right to keep arms
e. None of the above
At least they're making SOME progress.