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Disney firing security guard: the legal end of things
Editorial here. Apparently when FLA passed the provision allowing employees to leave firearms in their cars, business interests began pushing for exemptions. Nuclear plants. Places whose primary business is making explosives. And then businesses holding a federal explosives permit. You need one of those for serious fireworks, and so Disney of course has one.
UPDATE: ah, but reader rufx2 points out, the bill's exemption (skim to line 214) covers only those federally licensed to "to engage in the business of importing, manufacturing, or dealing in explosive materials on such property" (or whose primary business is making explosives). Maybe Disney has a license to import, manufacture and deal, but a license to store and use explosives doesn't qualify.
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And we can see how well they trust them...
Say goodbye to the exemptions next time around. Disney knows this wasn't the intent of the law.
To be honest, I suspect Disney is main reason we haven't gotten open carry yet in FL.
Add one more to the list of companies who no longer get one dime of my money. Yes, I realize that my few dollars don't matter and that this can quickly run to a lengthy list. However, I won't support businesses with philosophies with which I fundamentally disagree.
"We have a explosives permit, so the idea of one of our trusted employees having a firearm locked in their car is COMPLETELY out of the question!"
Oh, joy.