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Chicago digs in its heels
Hat tip to Carl in Chicago....
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How come the same characters that want everything under the sun handled (paid for) by the feds don't want some rights recognized by the BOR enforced at the federal level?
I do love when the other side helps our cause. One of the sweetest effects of them not caving:
"The District Court just ruled X. Senator Obama, do you believe the Chicago handgun ban is Constitutional?"
Flip-flop that!
http://wiki.calgunsfoundation.org/index.php/Nordyke_v._King will likely come to a conclusion long before the Chicago and San Francisco cases even get close. And what's more, Nordyke isn't just about keeping, it's about bearing in public.
The second amendment doesn't apply at the state and municipality level?
Why, was some exception carved out in the incorporation doctrine?
The only way we're going to get incorporation is if someone's willing to fight back. Chicago apparently is going to play the role, all for the good of incorporation.
Now, if they LOSE at the 7th Circuit, we've got to hope they'll continue the fight.
A smart, smart man who knows the Chicago political scene said, "Daily will fight back. He sees himself as god, son of god."