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Instapundit at conference
We all are familiar with the bloggers' embarassment. The fact that Instapundit blends puppies into the energy drink Puppie Smoothies.. But few of us expected him to be so bold as to do it during a conference. At long last, is there no shame left?
6 Comments | Leave a comment
You're also racist for posting this. Hah!!
I eat Kittens for breakfast!
Excuse me, but I do not understand the context nor the message of this post. What conference is it? What is the context?
Note the puppy in Glenn's lap and the blender on the table in front of him. This is the photoshop retouched version of the original picture I saw without the puppy and blender. Someone was just making up a joke.
I know all of you think of Dave Hardy as a person who is serious all of the time. He is serious a lot of the time, but not all of the time. I was with him at booth 1551 in Louisville for three days. He is hilarious - one of the best storytellers I've ever met, and he knows every lawyer joke. I'm still laughing.
Dave also excels at spotting Kentucky Supreme Court Justices.
HAHAHAHAHA I also didn't get it.... then I read the comments for some context. NOW I see the puppy and the puppy blender.
Oh, for the love of (place diety here)!
It is just a puppy! I eat Kitties for breakfast!
This is news, why?