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Medical article on Heller
By Garen Wintermute. As I recall, he's the beneficiary of Joyce Foundation largesse. And it cites to David Hemenway, another beneficiary. Got to wonder what a medical journal figures it has to do with a court case. It tries to argue that the DC gun ban worked (using a study which, if I recall, used the wrong start date for the handgun ban -- it was technically on the books on one date, but operation was enjoined for the better part of a year after that, which made a big difference to any conclusion you could draw, since violence had already been dropping in the District.
Hat tip to reader Jack Anderson...
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Unfortunately, the editorial staff of the NEJM (and JAMA) is equally ignorant of law and statistics.
The law is perhaps understandable. Statistics much less so since statistical analysis is a big part of medical practice and virtually ALL of the NEJM and JAMA.
Well, they also don't seem to own a dictionary. The rant breaks down gun shot deaths by suicide, homicide and accidental, police-action or undefined. My dictionary tells me those are all homicides, i.e., the killing of a human.
Not to mention, he is careful not to break down his "homicides" into justifiable, excusable and felonious.
Including suicides as "gun violence" or as "homicide", which in reality is the killing of one human by another human, is unacceptable unless we are all property of the State rather than property of ourselves.
The good doctor writes "No one predicts that a constitutionally protected right to use guns for private purposes, once it's been determined to exist, will remain confined to guns kept at home. Pro-gun organizations have worked effectively at the state level to expand the right to use guns in public, and all but three states generally prohibit local regulation. If people have broadly applicable gun rights under the Constitution, all laws limiting those rights — and criminal convictions based on those laws — will be subject to judicial review. Policymakers will avoid setting other limitations, knowing that court challenges will follow."
This was the most encouraging news I have heard all week. National reciprocity for CCW here we come!
30YP, if you know Dr. Wintermute, then you know more about the physiology of the anus than he does about conlaw.
They dug up that incident where Yoshihiro Hattori got killed? I wondered when it would be resurrected.
Webb Haymaker, the kid with him that night, recognized that they were at the wrong address and tried to get Hattori to leave. Unfortunately, Hattori was into taking pictures of terrified people to giggle over with his buddies (a fad in Japan back then) and tried to terrify the local.
He succeeded.
Garen Wintermute, a physician, knows as much about Constitutional Law as I, a lawyer, know about the physiology of the anus.