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Another "wrong house" raid
ATF breaks down door, shoots in tear gas and finds it has the wrong house. Wrong street, in fact.
(Sounds like their tear gas isn't the most effective, either. "The agents left the tear gas cans in the house, and Silvain kicked them out and into the street before dumping them into the garbage.")
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ATF--- Mapquest!!
i guess they aren't big on forward observation.
This was a "planned" operation, right? A gun dealer can't omit the county (between listed city and state) on a single form 4473 but ATF can omit an entire city block. But the ninja outfits are soooooo cooooool.
They deserve the poor reputation they have.
All Turkeys & Fools.
What is it about law enforcement (at all levels) in Florida? If it isn't some clown tasering a 6-year old or a 91-year old, it's the BATFAGS knocking down the wrong door or the FBI getting a little outside pick-me-up and forgetting where their pistols go....
All law enforcement makes mistakes but it seems like Florida is always in the news
Lawsuit time! Can you say "negligence"?
Letalis Maximus, Esq., can.