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Did Sirhan Sirhan kill RFK?
There are now two forensics experts arguing to the contrary. He clearly tried to kill him, but the fatal shot may have been a bodyguard's "friendly fire."
I heard a presentation on this at the U of AZ College of Medicine back in the 70s, so at least one of the issues isn't new. The argument was that the fatal hit came behind the ear, close to it, but without hitting the ear itself, yet all agree Sirhan Sirhan came at RFK from the front.
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...and of course the security guard was secretly working for the CIA, via Lockheed...those devils...couldn't have been even remotely possible that he drew to shoot at Sirhan, maybe, and screwed up as Kennedy moved into the line of fire trying to avoid Sirhan? In the confusion?
Nah...gotta be the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy again.
He's dead, folks, and if Sirhan's shots weren't fatal it wasn't for want of motive, means or opportunity...he was trying. Had he not tried, the security guard wouldn't have had a reason to draw, let alone fire, so the ultimate cause was Sirhan's attack. Let him rot in jail in peace.
If so, that would be two Kennedy's killed by "friendly fire" from body guards. If that family didn't have bad luck...
And this exonerates Sirhan exactly how?
Doug in Colorado is right. Without Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, Robert Kennedy likely would have lived out 1968, and possibly been elected POtUS.
i knew one of the people guarding RFK at the Ambassador hotel. On the tapes you can hear him yelling; "Grab his thumbs, grab his thumbs..." refering to Sirhan. This guys name has never come up in the discussions on the assassination. People have to start to look at all the bodyguards!
Bodyguards armed with .22 pistols ? I remember reading an article that the recovered bullets were too damaged for ballistic analysis that would tie them to Sirhan's pistol.