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ATF bid solicitation
It seems that a while back ATFE made a solicitation for bids for a custom Leatherman, to be "Engraved with: ATF-Asset Forfeiture AND "always think forfeiture""
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Unbelievable. I wonder if they have any other bids out like "Always think guilty until proven innocent."
I’m completely perplexed and alarmed that a government organization could continue to operate with such autonomy. Who is in charge of these people? Seriously, the BATFE should be disbanded and their functions rolled over to other agencies.
NFA Firearms Branch "Remember: a flash hider is a machine gun!"
1) Asset forfeiture is more related to the Fifth, but we get the point.
2) Nobody is in charge of this agency. Period. Don't feel too bad, nobody is in charge of Homeland Security, either.
Letalis, you're right. My brain went right to the "seizures" of the fourth.
I guess this is a case of "opening my mouth & removing all doubt". ;)
I have been saying disband those turkeys for years! JPFO Jews For The Preservation Of Firearm Ownership has a real good analytical case on their site
I'm not going to say head shots or jack booted thug here, the carnivore government spyware might pick up on that.
As an aside:
Never forget that Leatherman himself is a supporting part of the Unilateral Personal Disarmament Lobby and would have no problem making things for these JBTs.
I stopped buying his stuff and told him so.
How can they expect to get "bids" on an item that is trademarked, patented and made exclusively by Leatherman?
Maybe they're just getting bids on the engraving.
I've been saying for a while that we need to disband all federal LE except the Marshals Service, and roll any actually necessary federal enforcement activity over to them, if for no other reason than a single command structure.
I forwarded this to all my senators and congressman
as a waste of taxpayers money. We will see what happens...
That's unreal. Am I paying for that? I think I just threw-up a little.
Why not just say "Piss on the fourth"?
How about "Always think plunder"?