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Map of AGs agreeing with Parker/Heller position
At Concurring Opinions, Prof. Mike O'Shea has an interesting map.
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I was disappointed to see that the Arizona AG did not sign on with the Texas Brief. I had written him a letter asking him to sign on. It is possible that he was told not to participate by our Democrat Governor Janet Napolitano who is also openly supporting Obama for the Democrat nomination. Obama is VERY anti-gun.
As Cato Said, A people must not forget their history, if they do, they will remain children all their lives.
From looking at the map it appears of the 13 original colonies, most of them have forgotten their history. There were two briefs filed that contained extensive histories of their states' history, Virginia and Pennsylvania. It looks like nobody else cares about their state's history. Very Sad, Imagine if every original state had extensive documentation. I bet they do, but it might show something they don't want to see, an individual right.
Interesting map. No surprises on the states that support DC's position.
It is amazing (and disgusting) to me that a handful of liberal bastions continue to so grievously affect the politics of an entire nation and the interpretation of a document that was written for all citizens.
The AG's brief makes the point that regulation of machine guns is still OK, even with an individual rights interpretation and incorporation. That is pure BS. Of course the Supes make stuff up as they go sometimes.