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Fred Thompson and the NRA
Seems there's a dispute as to whether he's a life member or an endowment member. Story here.
Comment from SailorCurt, blocked for some reason by the spam filter. He;s right, BTW. There's annual membership, and above that life membership (with voting privileges), and above that come (I forget the sequence) patron, endowment and some other classes. But all of the higher classes are life membership plus some.
"It doesn't seem like a dispute to me. The only statement about it in
the article was a quote from Bill Bunting who said:
"I'm a life member of the NRA...but he's an endowment member,"
That seemed like a complement to me. That reads to me like he's saying
"I'm [only] a life member...but he's [a life member and also] an
endowment member."
This is borne out by the NRA membership web page with lists a
href="https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp">life membership
at $1,000 and an
membership at $2,000.
My reading of the page describing Endowment membership implies that it
is a higher level of life membership. An endowment membership confers
voting rights and results in the issue of a membership card and certificate.
In other words, there may be some argument, but it is not whether
Thompson is a life member or not, but only the LEVEL of his life membership.
· Politics
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I thought you have to be a life member before they'd offer the contributory roles to you?
I'll admit this isn't exactly my field of experience, though.
Blocked by the filters!
Try this link:
[http s://membership.nrahq.org/forms/superlife.asp ] Need to remove the space after "http".
tom gunn
I don't care what "level" of member he is. What matters is WHEN he joined.
Last week doesn't show commitment.
I was a life member and they offered me the opportunity to send more money and become an endowment just before the millenium. It gave me a different membership card and a lot more letters asking for more money but no real other benefits.
At that time the additional was not that large so it was reasonable to do.
One quibble - the above, "There's annual membership, and above that life membership (with voting privileges)," - might be read as if only life members have voting privileges.
Five consecutive years of annual membership earns voting privileges.
Fred joined the NRA in 1994.
Member or no member, he is pro-2nd amendment without a doubt. Thus,I'm going to do everything I can to see he gets elected.
A fun thought .... can you imagine a race against socailist Obama against Fred? Talk about a direction changing election. wow