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Another Brady Campaign LEO spokesman bites the dust
From a Brady Campaign press release attacking Florida's expansion of self defense: "Police chiefs who opposed the new Florida law include ... Broward County Sheriff Ken Jenne, (954) 831- 8900."
From their Shoot First website: "The Florida statute was passed over the strong objections of law enforcement officials and prosecutors. Broward County Sheriff Ken Jenne opposed the law because "it's easy to say after the fact, I felt threatened." "
From today's Sun-Sentinel: "Federal prosecutors: Jenne agrees to plead guilty to tax evasion, mail fraud"
He's apparently looking at 1.5 - 2 years behind bars.
[UPDATE: I invented "the curse of the gunnies," think it was in a humorous piece for Gun Week back in the late 70s, a tale in which the bill of rights is protected by a curse -- some say carved inside Madison's casket. I noted that the prime mover behind the National Firearms Act died of a heart attack on the Senate floor, while his NRA opponents lived to 96 and 112, that Sen. Dodd's career ended in censure and disgrace, etc., etc.]
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As the late Neal Knox once opined, "it's the curse of the gunnies" striking again against those who hold the 2A in contempt.
And don't forget, it was Jenne who used CNN in 2003 to make the argument on video that "assault weapons" were full-auto, and that a pre-ban could destroy cinderblocks and penetrate body armor, but a post-ban could not.
Kevin Baker,
That guy? Really??? Ok, break out the schadenfruede then, big time!
The Bill of Rights was written by George Mason, not James Madison.
The curse started with General Gage and continues today.
Im in Law Enforcment down here in South Florida
Jenne along with timoney (miami) can both go to hell with their arrogance and anti-gun aristorcrat attitude.
Im so glad they are on that side of the gun debate. They domonstrate the meglomania that takes over the gun grabbers.
I for one applaud the arrest of power hungry tryrants
Check out the video of the sheriff & his demonstration...
http://www.nranews.com -> "Browse Archives" -> "Videos" -> "General Videos" -> "Wayne LaPierre vs CNN"
John Timoney came up in New York, home of the Sullivan Law(spit). When he left there, he went to Philly, and started the same mischief, de facto instead of de jure, thanks to state pre-emption. The CCW application originally required 2 references and 2 forms of ID. After he showed up, it became 3 references and 3 pieces of ID, with picture and address.
If this sounds trivial, consider:
Driver's license - check.
Passport - check.
3rd form of id - uhh...
Not a lot of folk have LCB or the equivalent alcoholic beverage commission id card, so it became a lot more difficult to apply and renew.
To be fair, an applicant could substitute utility bills. Then he left for Miami, and it went back to 2 and 2.
Jake wrote:
http://www.nranews.com -> "Browse Archives" -> "Videos" -> "General Videos" -> "Wayne LaPierre vs CNN"
I hadn't seen the entirety of the CNN pieces. I'm now fully convinced of CNN's complicity in making these deliberately mendacious pieces.
What I would've given to have been there with a few 12 gauge deer slugs to put in Ken Jenne's shotgun and demonstrated to Zarella what a 12 gauge would do to a cinderblock and a mannequin with a ballistic vest.
Now I'm pissed off again.
It's not about hunting. It never has been.
I just have to say to Eric, that it is so refreshing to see a cop who believes cops should obey the law also. Thank you.
It's about time. Anti-gun Democrat bureaucrat Jenne was under investigation for a long time during which he sanctimoniously proclaimed his innocence. During that time all kinds of BS transpired in the Broward Sheriff's Office, so I guess it could be said that Jenne put the BS back in the BSO.
And yes, the CNN hit pieces on gun ownership were done on his watch.
Is there anything we can do -- anywhere we can write -- to encourage prosecutors to go hard on this villain?
Schadenfreude is an ugly thing . . . but then, it ain't exactly mail fraud, is it?