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The BitchGirls blog is back and running...
Bitter wound up as the sole blogger at The BitchGirls (whose name started out when someone accused them of being gun toting just thats), and last week was opining that she couldn't carry the load alone. Then a legal blogger (henceforth Legal Bitch) signed up to share the load, and the blog is back in action.
One of the topics is a DC Circuit decision to the effect that a terminal cancer patient, with no medical options left, has no right to receive anticancer drugs with doctor's approval that are only partway through the FDA approval process (proven to be safe, not yet proven to be effective). There was an interesting dissent, pointing out that the courts have recognized (unenumerated) constitutional rights to marry, to engage in various forms of sex, to obtain an abortion from a physician, etc., yet here is a ruling that we don't have a right to try to stay alive, with medical approval, while hurting no one.
Let's just call it retroactive abortion, I think it's in the penumbra.