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Brady Campaign & Jesse Jackson to protest
They're protesting something or other on August 28.
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Interestingly enough, I clicked a link there and found that they conduct what they call "Lie-ins," which they do for "symbolizing and remembering the 32 people who are murdered with firearms every day in America."
Seems the name of the event - "lie-in" - is apropos; they are pretty good at lying about guns and gun legislation.
Why August 28th? Is it because here in Missouri one of our remnant Jim Crow laws goes away?
It's called the "Permit To Acquire", known as the PTA (better known as the PITA).
Basically, to buy a concealable firearm (barrel less than 16") you have to go to your county's Sherriff, fill out a form and pay $10. You get a PTA back and the seller puts on it the info about the gun and sends it to the Sherriff. The form should be about the size of a large postcard, and is in most counties. In some (metro KC & St. Louis especially) they have a multi-page form and use the full week the law allows before they make you come back to get the permit. Each permit is good for 30 days and is good for the purchase of a single pistol. While the records are specifically not allowed to be collected at the state level they are kept at the county level. In some counties it's a file cabinet, in others it's a computer.
The PTA law was passed around 1917, just after the race riots in St. Louis. It was specifically passed to keep "the wrong people" from getting handguns. It covers private transactions too. In fact, it's technically illegal to give a gun to your spouse without a PTA (each time).
Sure seems like the end of this is something a noted Civil Rights leader should be holding an event about.
Just not sure if the Rev. is holding the right sort of event.
I feel sorry for Jesse Jackson. He doesn't seem to know whether he is going or coming. Why are they including Dr. King's name in this? I question both his and Brady's motives.
Rather than lie down, they should take a stand and pray to God to combat those weapons of mass destructions such as crack/cocaine and other illegal drugs that lead to violence.
They need to read Deacons of Defense by Lance Hill to learn how guns advanced the civil rights movement.