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Op-ed on the 2nd Amendment and Ron Paul
Here it is.
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Unfortunately, I must agree with ShotgunJohn. I will still vote for Ron Paul, but his foreign policy, at least in the idea that Islamic Jihadists will just "leave us alone" if we leave Iraq (an action which I advocate, by the way) is simply absurd. Islamic Jihadists will never like us, no matter what we do--unless, of course, we all convert to Islam and fight jihad alongside them. Unfortunately, Paul is correct in every single one of his positions but this one. I still recommend voting for him, however.
I know lots of people who believe what Ron Paul believes, but that doesn't mean they would make good Presidents. I, for one, am looking for a President that can actually lead the country, and protect my freedoms. Though Fred Thompson hasn't been perfect when compared to my "IF I WERE KING" meter, I'd happily vote for him. He's got charisma, values, and is a staunch defender of our 2nd Amendment Rights. Ok, so he doesn't like some elements of politics as they relate to free speech, well, its better than Hillary Clinton and her Fairness Doctrine. Frankly, Ron Paul doesn't stand a snow ball's chance in h&ll. As much, as I find myself nodding in agreement to much of what he says, the rest of the country is nodding-off.
KRL: "Frankly, Ron Paul doesn't stand a snow ball's chance in h&ll"
Is that a reason for not voting for him? Popularity?
It's good to see more awareness for Ron Paul. He is the most constitutional canidate bar none. You don't have to worry about him trampling on any of our rights.
I believe his stand on Islamic radicals isn't quite as simple as they will "leave us alone".
Hopefully he will garner more sorely needed attention.
JONAS SALK: "Is that a reason for not voting for him? Popularity?"
I'm not merely voting for someone who is more popular, I am voting for someone who illustrates real leadership. Ron Paul in the White House would be like watching a Libertarian version of Jimmy Carter, we would all age three times faster just watching him. In order to Lead, people must be willing to follow. I believe people will follow Fred Thompson when he is President.
The trouble with Congressman Paul is his rather naive belief (well founded in libertarian philosophy) that if we are only nice to them, then they will be nice to us...the real world isn't like that. If he were president, at least we could be well armed when the Jihadist hordes arrived on our shores!