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This is SERIOUS professionalism
A guy is injured, and an ER crew busts their chops to save his life. Without batting an eye at the fact that they are all African-American, and he is ....
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Yep, its from an ad campaign in what appears to be the 60s or 70s.
Whether or not the picture truthfully represents an actual event, it does accurately represent a reality of the medical profession.
Medicals professionals regularly treat people of whose opinions they may personally despise. However, I believe the illustration is, ironically, more about a lack of ethics from people consumed by hate (i.e. KKK), than it is about the righteousness of minorities or medical professionals in general.
Here's a little more background on it - it was part of an ad campaign - undetermined as to whether it was a real photo or staged:
Unless the doctor is a muslim and the patient is a jew.
There's a court case, civil and possibly criminal, in Chicago about a muslim doctor who left a jewish patient on a gurney to die.
Sorry, it's in Cleveland.
If it is true, and the patient survived, I think it would be amusing that he lived with the knowledge of who saved his life.
Is that a real photo? Story?
I swear I have seen that somewhere before.