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"Toward a culture of self defense"
Michelle Malkin reports how a mentally-prepared 11 year old girl cleaned a kidnapper's clock. I bet that guy is going to have a fun time in prison, between being charged with crimes against little kids, and having had an 80 pound girl get the better of him. After breaking his hold, she rang all the doorbells in her building, and the neighbors mustered to cut off all escape routes, chase him down, and open a big can of whupass on him.
Reminds me of a case here in Tucson, at the other end of the age scale. A guy broke into a convent, came into the kitchen, exposed himself to a nun and approached. Bad choice. The Old Nuns were tougher than nails. She grabbed him by the exposed appendage and yanked (she later told police that she figured if she had a grip on it, he wouldn't be doing much with it). He screamed and knocked her down, but she kept her hold. The rest of the nuns rushed in, seized the big cast iron skillets, and began pounding him over the head. He is shrieking in agony, being near-emasculated and beaten into a bloody heap at the same time. The police reported that he surrendered without resistance.
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Surrendered without resistance? He was probably pleading to be rescued!
EXCELLENT! Good find Mr. Hardy! Can you hear me laughing all the way up here in Phoenix?