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Barack Obama and guns
At the Volokh Conspiracy, the good prof. is reporting that Obama backed a total ban on semiautomatic firearms. Posts are here and here. The position paper referenced is here. Scroll down to "Gun Issues." Then scroll back up to "Crime Issues" and not what he does not favor: ending parole for repeat violent offenders, prosecute juvenile murderers as adults, restitution for crime victims.
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"A vote for Richardson is a vote against Obama!"
Sure, but a vote for Thompson is a vote for freedom!
Correction to Anon: A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for freedom.
Yes, but you won't get a choice between Obama and Thompson in any primaries.
Ron Paul write in as a protest vote. the not-votes and left-blanks get written off as carelessness. A positive affirmation for Dr. Paul leaves no room for guesswork. Write it in really good so the lefties can't change it to Dr. Phil.
A vote for Richardson is a vote against Obama!