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Boston crime wave
Boston's homicides are up 60%. So much for one of the few states that gets an A from Brady Campaign.
Passing note: the mayor proposes to spend millions on summer jobs to lower the rate. Uh... sure. Apart from the obvious, I've always had a question. Where do you get the money for the jobs? By taxing it away from people who might otherwise hire someone for a summer job. Tax and spent can move money around, but can't create it. Of course it also means that the persons with the jobs will thank the mayor instead of some other employer.
Just finished reading The Brothers Bulger. Where else but Boston would one brother be the most powerful politician in the state and the other on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list? The symbiosis between the two is subtle, and startling.
It must be no accident that where there is the most official corruption, Boston, Chicago, Waashington D.C. and New York City, and the entire states of California, Maryland and Hawaii, that is where one finds the most severe gun control laws.