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Bob Levy on Parker case
Bob Levy has an article on it in the Washington Examiner.
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The NRA makes its profit mostly from appearing to "fight the problem". They have and will continue to do everything they can to protect the problem. Without it, they are back to teaching markmanship and other worthy programs, that no matter their importance, doesn't get you a seat at the table of the big boys, nor do they justify the hysterical "send more money" letters because "this job is lasting longer than we thought".
The very last thing the NRA wants is a solution to the problem. They will betray anyone to keep the solution from happening. That's why I left them. I can be betrayed for free, I see no reason to allow LaPierre to get paid for betraying me,(and all other members and former members) which he has done. Now, he betrays me, but not on my dime.
Humm.. Patiently waiting for that 2 year renewal of my NRA Membership that I made over a year and half ago to expire. I can truly spend the money someplace else, like Cato or SAF....