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Utah guns on campus & choosing roommates
Utah has passed a statute allowing guns on campus, and also allowing students to pick a roommate who doesn't have a CCW license if they desire.
[Hat tip to Dan Gifford]
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Will the university now allow students to choose not to room with muslim students?
I wonder whether that's a casual description of the policy. If one can request to room with someone who doesn't hold a CFL, could one alternatively request to room with someone who does?
I'm with Ken, above. If I could have requested a roommate with a CCW, I would have been overjoyed. Who wants to live with spineless hippies? I'll take the tobacco-chewing rednecks any day of the week.
This implies that campus housing requests students to disclose if they posess a Utah (or other valid) CCW permit. How long before this gets leaked to the campus paper?
Indeed these are factors that Schools should not be privy to or disclose.
Anyone know how many universities allow weapons on campus?
To lifeat8000ft,
Despite what you might think, being Muslim does not make you more likely to accidentally or purposefully shoot you. Owning a gun, does, at least accidentally. Muslims are not dangerous, only your imaginations of them are. Guns, however, are demonstrably dangerous.
I think it would be very good of you to room with a Muslim, maybe then you could learn how not to be a bigot. (PS My father teaches CCW classes and always had numerous guns in the house while I was growing up, so I'm very familiar, thanks.)
what i can't figure out is how the university is supposed to guarantee that none of a student's roommates have a CCW, unless they also have some way of compelling students to inform them of possessing a CCW. are licensee identities public information in Utah?