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NRO on Parker case
Bob Levy has an article in National Review Online.
And this just in -- the Parker case leads Jesse Jackson to complaint of activist judges. He goes to town on the federal judiciary, too: "hey are prepared to trample the laws enacted by democratically elected legislatures to implant their policies from the bench. The U.S. courts are now packed with these ideologues. And the decision last week shows that the civilizing advances of recent decades -- in civil rights, gun control, workers' rights, women's rights -- are now at risk from this marauding horde."
I guess it does matter just whose ox is being gored...
What's interesting is that in ALL of the media criticism of the decision, I have yet to hear one statement that the decision was incorrect, poorly reasoned, not based on authority, or, in short, wrong.
Sure you have. It went against precedent filed by the so often found correct, 9th circuit court.
Then there are those that think "free State" means each state instead of country.
You have those that don't understand the true outcome of Miller.
Now if you had said: in ALL the media that actually understood what Parker means... I would agree with you.