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More on Guliani on guns
John Lott has an interesting Guliani quote to the effect that gunmakers must know they are feeding an illegal market because they make 600-700% of the number of guns needed to fill the legal market,
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And on what is he basing that bogus 600-700% claim?
Most makers setup and run assembly lines in cycles producing enough of a particular kind of gun to last at least a couple of years, to minimize the setup and takedown costs of machinery...you can't economically tool up to build a few of each model each month. They may well produce more than is sold in a year, but these go into legitimate warehouse and retailer stocks...in the pipeline, as it were.
Ignorance, whether negligent or deliberate, is the enemy.
Doug in colorado
Rudy is no good on guns. No good at all. Never was. Never will be.
He is a gun-grabber, and he is lying...is this a surprise?
the 1/7 or whatever "legitimate" market is probably military and law enforcement; since I am sure Guliani doesnt believe in the second ammendmant, so he probably considers every gun sold to a free citizen part of the "illegal market".
I got a letter the other day in the mail from the 'Guliani for president' bunch. I am still trying to figure out how that commie f^*&er got my mailing address.
I wish he had said where he came up with those figures. But of course he wouldn't, and won't. He can say "6 to 7 times more than legally needed" and a lot of people will believe him just because they don't think he might be lying. So in their minds, this becomes a fact. Great propagandist, in other words. Wish he was on our side.
Rudy Guliani fully supported Curtis Sliwa and the so-called "Guardian Angels". At the time the Angels and Sliwa were engaged in the brutal beating of homeless women and prostitutes who were bothering restaurant owners on the west side. Kicking a woman's teeth out was the angels modis operendi. Later Guliani hired Slimeball Curtis Sliwa to host a city radio show. I guess a program of "disfiguring women" should be part of the Guliani campaign. The Guardian Angels are a phoney fraudulent operation, but a money-pit for Sliwa and his rodent-faced wife Mary. Sliwa, as we know made dozens of false 911 calls and concocted phoney acts of heroism. Sliwa faked his own kidnaping. This is "Guliani's best friend". Guliani's support for Curtis Sliwa tells me Rudy doesn't have the mental capacity or judgement to be our president.
Define "need".
One would think that an industry that makes several times what the market will bear in goods should go bankrupt.