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One reason Philadelpha might have a crime problem
From the Delco Times: a gun dealer has a stolen gun, it's recovered in a drug bust. The arrested guy has a long record. He's let out after posting a $100 bond, and charges are later dropped. The dealer requests return of the gun and is told he must file a motion and appear in court. "So the guy they caught with Crane’s stolen gun doesn’t have to appear before a judge, but Crane does."
"Just recently, Crane said he was at his old stomping grounds [he's retired law enforcement] downtown at Fourth and Girard. At the station house he saw a sawed-off shotgun laying on a table. A cop there told him the gun’s owner was in custody. But also that he’d arrested the same guy just three days earlier for carrying a different illegal weapon."
Sadly, this is common practice for the city. Despite the fact that state law directly addresse this issue.