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"Nutter" crime plan
Philadelphia Mayoral candidate Michael Nutter is going to unveil crime plan. It involves declaring a "crime emergency," under which he'd have some power to do away with inconveniences such as the Bill of Rights.
"Three months ago, Nutter publicly urged Mayor Street to declare a crime emergency. Street has repeatedly rejected this idea, focusing on violence-reduction programs and other efforts.
If such a declaration was made, the city would be empowered to limit or prohibit sidewalk or other outdoor gatherings; halt or limit cars and trucks within targeted neighborhoods; establish a curfew; and prohibit anyone from publicly selling, carrying or possessing any weapons."
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This to be followed shortly by his proclamation of a "Vote Fraud Emergency", thus allowing him to do away with future elections and simply proclaim himslef Emperor-for-Life Nutter of Penn's Woods and Lord Protector of North America.
Nutter...what an appropriate name. Of course, what he suggests punishes the majority for the sins of the judges who turn violent offenders back out on the streets...
Martial law, is what he's proposing, and until you start long-term incarceration of the violent, it would be at best a temporary band-aid that, again, punishes the innocent for the sake of the guilty.
Wow. He's actually making Dwight Evans look like a reasonable candidate.
Frank Rizzo (former mayor and police commisioner) once said "The streets are safe in Philadelphia, it's only the people who make them unsafe.”
I'd like to modify that "The streets are safe in Philly, its the anti-gun politicians that make them unsafe".
We miss you Frank. RIP
>>and prohibit anyone from publicly selling, carrying or possessing any weapons."
Actually, the state entirely pre-empts the regulation of the sale, carriage, and posession of arms, and delegate emergency powers related to these topics soley to the governor. Furthermore, the law specifically exempts LTCF (license to carry firearms) holders from such emergency prohibition the governor might declare.
They're not going to get far with that.
The crime plan was merely quoting what city law states that the mayor is allowed to do during a state of emergency when it said "prohibit anyone from publicly selling, carrying or possessing any weapons." Michael Nutter has publicly said that his plan would not target legal weapons, since that would be unconstitutional.
Nutter's name suits him most perfectly.