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Mayor Bloomburg & boys gearing up for post-election
USAToday has an article about a Bloomberg mayors' meeting beginning today. As I've earlier noted, Joyce Foundation has kicked $175,000 over to underwrite the group.
""A large majority of Americans want some form of common-sense gun legislation," Chicago Mayor Richard Daley said..."
Interesting tactics they plan. Apparently they consider the Fourth Amendment, like the Second, to be an annoyance:
"The city officials meeting today will discuss strategies to get guns off the street:....
•In Trenton, police set up checkpoints to search cars for illegal guns....•New York City sued 15 gun dealers in Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Virginia in May for allowing straw purchases. Private investigators hired by the city posed as gun buyers and wore hidden cameras.
SayUncle has a take on the Knoxville mayor joining in: "But, remember, Mr. Haslam just wants to deal with illegal guns. Apparently, the wants to do that by making more guns illegal: Mayors say they struggle to stem the flow of guns from states with lax gun laws. Mr. Haslam, that'd be Tennessee they're talking about there."