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One serious piece on crime situation in Britain
From the City Journal. A few segments:
"For the last 40 years, government policy in Britain, de facto if not always de jure, has been to render the British population virtually defenseless against criminals and criminality....
On April 21, for example, even the Observer (one of the bastions of British liberalism responsible for the present situation) gave prominence to the official report into the case of Anthony Rice, who strangled and then stabbed Naomi Bryant to death.
Rice, it turned out, had been assaulting women since 1972. He had been convicted for assaulting or raping a total of 15 women before murdering Naomi Bryant, and it is a fair supposition that he had assaulted or raped many more who did not go to the police. In 1982, he grabbed a woman by the throat, held a knife to her, and raped her. Five years later, while out of prison on home leave, he grabbed a woman, pushed her into a garden, held a knife to her, and raped her for an hour. Receiving a life sentence, he was transferred to an open prison in 2002 and then released two years later on parole as a low-risk parolee. He received housing in a hostel for ex-prisoners in a village whose inhabitants had been told, to gain their acquiescence, that none of the residents there was violent; five months after his arrival, he murdered Naomi Bryant. In pronouncing another life sentence on him, the judge ordered that he should serve at least 25 years: in other words, even now the law has not quite thrown away the key."
[Hat tip to Don Kates}
· militia
Per TFA, "Parker's attorney argued the boy was a hard-working kid who made a terrible mistake. But the prosecutor disagreed, saying there is "no excuse for driving around in a car and shooting a gun out a window." Yeah, right. A youthful indescretion. We all did that. Will the good judge personally be responsible for the future crimes of of this little angel when not if his next crime occurs?
"...even now the law has not quite thrown away the key."
But what about all the ABO's he probably collected over the years? You mean those didn't do any good? I think the UK is into a bad slide into either anarchy or tyranny; it will end up as either '1984' or 'A Clockwork Orange'.
Just my opinion.