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Drop in licensed gun dealers
The antigun Violence Policy Center is rejoicing that the number of licensed firearms dealers has fallen from 245,000 to 54,000 since 1994.
In the original Gun Control Act of 1968, getting a license was made easy, for the simple reason that dealers have to record sales (and today do background checks), etc., so why not encourage licensing? A fair number of people got licenses just to buy for themselves or a few friends. Then in 1994 Congress (now figuring that TOO MANY people were complying with these standards) made it considerably more difficult -- among other things, requiring compliance with local zoning codes (which usually forbid businesses from operating in residential areas).
So just what problem does VPC have with small-time licensees? They call them "illegitimate "kitchen-table" dealers who operated out of their homes or offices," adding "an unknown percentage of which were actively involved in criminal gun trafficking." Unknown of course = none that we know of. I suspect the bottom line is -- it was a good publicity angle.
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On the January ,1 , 1987 ( there were 287000 Type-01a?01b :F.F.L.s Holders Firearms Gun Dealers: is the , total Count in U.S. Too! There were not 300000 F.F.,L.s Gun Dealers is incorrect Count Too! They Over Counted by (13000) F.F.L.s Gun Dealers don't exists at all :is over Count too! True!
On Janurary,05, 1993 The total U.S. Count is ,Correct F.F.L.s Holders :on Record is over 280000 F.F.L.s Holders is Recorded today Too!! The Total U.S.A. Numbers Of F.F.L.s Holders is ( 287000) Firearms Dealers is Most Number Of Gun Dealers is Recorded ;By Record by : Licence Dept. Division Of the (A.T.F.E.A. Division Of Licences Dept Division of Latest Reports on Press Released Today's Reports are Facts to be True Statements are Fact's is True!!! On (12-31-2005 Date There is now is Correct Number Of F.F.L.s Holders Stills :Remains Fact is over ( 54000) F.F.L.s Holders in the U.S.A. Today's Count The Number of Firearms Gun Retailer Business : Still is left today count too! Truth is Here Today's Latest News Reports is True facts true too!!!
There are to Many F.F.L.s Firearms Dealers of (type-01 0.66%Too! &01b is Junk Shop Store Business are disonest Gun Retailers: Business Dealers ;are is0.33% in it's population too true! Solution is: We Need to work with Justice Dept. With our State Police & Federal Laweforcement Fed Agents Too. To catch them in the act of Strew Gun Sales Which is Violation Of (Crinimal act) Federal & State Laws don't allow it is a Federal Feloniey of a Crinimals act is high Fines over $100000 (an 40 years in Federal Pen for life too!(plus your F.F.L.s Licences will be Revoked in the Raid of the Feds of Laweforcement Officers in the Raid in a Any Gun Store That sells Firearms too!! Rifles/ Shotguns/ Revolvers/ Semipistals / Too!! And N.F.A. Firearms including Fullauto's Firearm Dealers of ( Type-09 & Import&Export Dealer is type-011 an Regular Import & Export Dealers To is ,included in Case or Situtation of this type does occur agaim all over as a repeat crime is simliner ,case too! Agree By Terms Too!
The offical Date was on 08/15/2005 The total number is 0.66% to of Firearms Dealers: was 54902 was the offical count too! Total of Gun shop Dealers by trade. And Sporting Gun Dealers Business is(36,235.32!Is Type-01 F.F.L.s Holders Total Count too. The Total Count)0.33% of F.F.L.s holders is Junk Shop&Gun shop Firearms Dealers is (18117.66 Firearms holders to; is Junk Shop &Gun Business Dealers Retailers Are ,type-01a to only Licence they are issued only too! ,They other F.F.L.s Licences not be issed to Junk Dealer&Gun shop Business is Restricted too! Only To A Type-01a F.F.L.s Licence only and No other F.F.L.s Licences , not be issued period agree by Federal Law Regulations Too!
There is About near count in the 50 States: to is now , is ; 902 F.F.L.s Lesser Firearms Retailer Business Gun Dealers, now on 06/01/2006 A.D. too. There is around near count of ( 54000) F.F.L.s in the 50 States to in the (U.S.A.)too.!!!!
Note:1. There is total of 37 mfg. of Semiauto's Pistals Products. This is total count of all Semiauto's Handguns Semiauto's Smaller Gun Mfg's Companies to is total count too. Most of them are smaller companies mfg's too. The Big ones are about, 13 total count is true is larger Semiauto's Mfg's only too. There are over 24 mfg's are very Small Gun, Companies too. They Should Be out of Business or Quit is they are mfg 1on or two Guns only to agreed! Solution let's Cut the Semiauto's Pistal handgun Mfg's down to 10 Companies to only too. If we do it this way it will be better cintrolled what Guns items are mfg , the U.S.A. too. Plus the A.T.F. Agents Can do there jobs better in doing right at the beginning of the Assignment of inspections is twice a year to check there past Sales record"s. Or there present Gun sales records to see the Gun sales for, Longguns first. And Guns Sales Records is for , Handguns Firearms is conceal weapons ; is Semiauto'Pistals too. And all revolvers handguns, for hunting purpouses during hunting Season too. Agreed !!!P.S. Lets Check For Straw Gun sales is done by out of State Driver's Licence's is N.Y.S. & N.J. Michigan state Illonis state Missouri State,Out of State Driver's and few other States too. They Houses Here to Buy Handgun's with out State Drivers Licences To Purchuse and Handgun a Conceal weapons Semiauto'Pistal & revolver Too. It'sillegal Purchuse is breaking federal Law & State Law of Pennsylvania State Rules don"t allowed is a Criminal affence by Federal Folonies of breaking the Federal Law & State Law of Pennsylvania Law don"t Permit it is Breaking the laws we stand by Regulations laws of Rules we abide by all means too> agree!!
Note: 1. There are to many Semiauto's Pistals & 8 to,10 Shoot Clips is about Rifles &ShotGuns Product's too. Is Total Count of (223,oooooo too.True! Three is about 157,000,000 Rifles & Shot guns ! Total of Shotguns is about 5,233,333,33,new,used , is (o.33%) total count to; Relic Guns items too. Number of Rifles": new, used, relic Guns is ( 10.466,666.66 ) is ( 0.66%)total count is mfg too.True!!! Theses are all Longgun's Firesrms only Used for Hunting Reasons for Black Bear & Buck Season in last week of November of Hunting Season to True !!! Note: the Total of Conceal Weapons are handguns only is,Semiauto"Pistals & 8 to 10 Rounds Clips Too. And Revolver's for Hunter's to used for , Bear Season too.True!! There is about in the U.S.A is (22000,000) Revolvers: are, New ,used, relic Guns for collecting old Guns items is (0.33%) is mfg too. P.S. The total of Semiauto's Pistals & * to 10 rounds Clips to; is New, used, Relics Old Semiauto's Pistals & clips too. The Total Count is ( 44,000,000 Semiauto's Pistals is (0.66%) all mfg too. is facts are here today in ( 06/25/2006 A.D. true!
Note: total number of F.F.L.s Retailers Business Dealers is Taxas State is (4261)F.F.L.s holders is near Correct count too. P.S. The law says the truth is 100000 Residents per 1 F.F.L. Holder Retailer Gun Business Dealer is by trade to #1 first in line too!!: or Sporting Gun Dealer #2 is,sells Rifles 7 Shotguns is (longguns only too. For hunting season to agree!! note: The Population of taxas is 32000000 people too.The solution is there should be total number of (F.F.L.s holder's is a limit No# is (320 F.F.L.s Holder's in maxuam number limit of: F.F.L.s holder's for Taxas State to agreed too! They should Cut off of Gun Dealer's not making it too. I do agree too. It's makes sence to cut it out and reduced them out of the picture to agree!! they should cut out about (3941 Gun Dealers Business Too. There are to many robbies , shooting's too! Solution is to reduced the handgun shooting's to in taxas State too!! A easy Solution to do something is tell about 0.89 ;% of the the Smaller Gun Retailer Dealers Sales Stores owners to not to sell Handguns an ammo for conceal weapons too. agree. (But they can sell Longguns only and it's ammo for shotguns & Rifles to only too! Let's tell the mfgs to cut porduction of Handguns down smore and make them scare's: and very hard to get one to oeder too. agreed ! Let's worked on this problem and cut down the handgun violance of gun injuries to down by 0.98 % too. I agree to let's get to work on the domestic violance in our , towns townships,cities , counties too. And States open highways Business Stores shops Not to sell Handguns & it's ammo too. They can sell long guns only too. agree!!
Mr. Curcione should get a spell checker for his computer and a grammar checker also. Then he should get a total check-up by a shrink. He is so full of it, its pitiful
You want to hear a worse case and the NRA hasn't done jack for me. My wife (a Thai national) has been watching to much of the show "cops." One day we argued, she dissappeared(to a boyfriends house.) I feared for my safety and the safety of my son as in the past she has tried to kill both of us, so I put her belongings in her car (that she had just blown the engine out of!) She came home and called the cops, they came over, couldn't arrest me for anything. They asked to look in the house and I said yes (mistake) They asked what was in a locked room and I showed them my firearms colection which included the shell (only) with barrel of a 1919a4 non-operating machine gun. I told them it was just non-operating parts, but they backed out of there and left. Next day they called my house and talked to my wife. They got her a no contact order and did it in such a way that I would violate it and then held an m-16 and Glock on me (with fingers in the triggers!) I was hauled away and the corrupt Kitsap County (Washington State) Sheriff's gleefully confiscated my gun collection, but the big bad machine gun fell apart in their hands so they couldn't flog a machine gun bust to the media.I lost my son, home, truck, show car, gun collection and was thrown into the street with the clothes on my back!!!
A tax payer funded legal organization called the Northwest Justice Project started this and helping my wife (the sheriff's got her them) , for free and its costing me $20,000+ to defend myself against this injustice. No help from the NRA, no free legal help. My wife is an alien and I'm a US citizen but she gets free legal help, go figure! The Kitsap Sheriff's gave my wife my truck because she blew her car's engine up and won't let friends of mine take custody of my guns. They have probible taken them home and when I do go to get them (probibly next year), they will say they are lost or destroyed! Still no help from the NRA or anybody, while my wife gets tax payer funded help all over the place. What has this county come to. If you are a male and married or in a "dating situation" be afraid, be very afraid! And if you just happen to collect firearms you are screwed and have no rights also!!
1. On October, 10,2007 A.D. The total Number and,- Percent Decrease of Type 1 FFLS. Federal Firearms- Licences droped down to (50630) F.F.L.s!!! In the U.S.A. today National Count too!!!
Sir,I am an indian.And i have gun lisense.I want to know about how many type caliber pistals and rifels and rang of caliber.I want to know law of weapons in india.Thankyou
1.We did loose about 2630 smaller Vender & Residentail Gun Retailers. it was on 04/15/2009 A.D. The total count of F.F.L.s Dealers of retailer Busineses decline too!! The total is 48,000 Gun Retailer Smaller Businesses is left in U.S.A too!! They are declining downward slow rate each month goes by too. There are 10000"s of them left in the U.S to today Count too!!! Still is to many of them yet too!! We are in a Ression market Sales is down alot too!!!
1. The U.S. Cap Number Limit of F.F.L. Dealers o1 Licences in U.S.A. Maxum Limit is 5000 peak Number Limit not to be exceeded too! Agreed! 2. The 50 States Cap Limit is F.F.L.s 0 1 Licences Gun Dealers maxum Cap limit is 100 o1 Licences Dealers maxum liumit not to be exceeded! agreed! Type01 licences & State Licences by the Sheriffs Dept. the country you live in too! Agree!! It willb e law too!! This will Stop alot of the Guns off the Streets by:98% Cut off in the U.S.A. too!! It will be less smaller Gun Dealers Retailers too! The Numbers will be tightly controlled all cost too! By the 48th President of the U.S.A. Will sigh it into law too! I Agree !!!
1. Alot of the 01 Gun Dealers of smaller Gun stores in 50 States too! They don"t keep the finished Sales of Firearms are completed in Gun Sales too! The Federal Record Booket of A.T.F. is the book the they check in of finished Gun Sales is Finished Too! Agree!! They do"t log it in the- -Federal booket of the special Booket the A.T.F. supplies to Retailer Businnes too! agree!!! Alot of the imformation of Finished Gun Sales are not recoreded: alot of the imformation is not put in the Federal Booklet of Firearms Finished Gun Sales not recorded in Federal Booklet by smaller Businesses Gun Dealers Retailers do forget it alot too. They don"t want to bothered it"s to much Paper work for them too! True !!! They do the bare Nacessacres to finished it to true!! There are 30000 Firearms To 70000 & 50000 Semiauto's Pistals & Revolvers too!!! Firearms sales not recoreded in Federal Booklet A.T,F. of finished Gun sales not loged in the book too! true!! Solution is: The Federal Agents will close the Gun Businesses down an Revoked ihs or her F.F.L.s 01 liecnces & State Licence done by the Country Sheriffis Dept. to which State you live in too!! An no 01 licences Applications are cut off for good too!! They will put them out of Busineese too! For goog too!!agreed!!! No excusses for this to accured of poor Recored keeping is not good too!! You are History too!! You are done as a no longer a Gun Dealer of 01 Licence & State Licence is history too! I agree!!!
1. Note: Date is April,16,2009 A.D.. Total Number ,of F.F.L.s 01 Licences Dealers & State Licences :is ( 78,000) holder"s in the (50 States of the U.S.A. most current update in news on the Texas Border Near Mexico Border Events News too! There are Retailer Gun Dealers With Store Fronts & parking Lots in Industral Commercial Block zones locations blocks in the Industrail zones only too! The Illegal zones are the Vender Gun Dealers & the Residential Retailer Businesses Dealers in (Homes,Townhouses, Apartment Houses , Condo homes in Resident locations too!( Reason is the zoning board of building don"t them to be there; at all which is illegal location Gun Businnes of any kind , will be shut down too! By the Law of the Courts don"t allow it to be in operational in Residential, or communty zones were Familes do live there, Eat Sleep too! is unsafe to the children are playing there too! agree!! Retailers sales, Import&Export Firearms Dealers Or Distribors companies Whalesaller Bussinnes , or Mfg Gun Companies Busineese too! Is off Limits Zones too! call a Residentail or Comunity By Zoining Commission don"t allow it to be there is illegal: location is off limmits areas Call Red zones too! Solution is : the Zoning Commision say the Fanial ward is There Licences will be cut off! 01 Licences & State Licences too! If the Any Gun Businesses in the Oppsite of Commercial Block zones too! For Example (Residential zones &comunity zones too. F.F.L.s 01/03/ Retailer 08/011 Import&Export Mfg Copanies Licences 06/07/010/ too! is included also Building code rules of regulations by law too! agree!!
1.The U.S. F.F.L.s No# Cap Limit should be 300 01 Licences Dealers of al Fifty States too!! In the U.S. The Maxium cap Limit is(15000) is Maxiun Number not to be Exceeded no more too! Reason is: to lower Street Crimes of Gangs of Gs-13 world wide too! Hell"s Amgles MoterCycle Gangs & Out Laws MoterCycle Gangs too. Asia Gangs,Lanios Gangs too. Arabes Ganges too! Reason is: The Handguns & Ammo Of smaller Stores They Look for to robbed them Cleam too! Stolen Gun items; HJandguns an ammo is the first Perority of Choose to robbed is cl;lean off Store Gun counters too! Gun Shops, Sporting Gun Stores to, Pawn Stores & Gun Shops too!! Or other Combination & Gun Stores too!!! The Maxiun Cap No# Limit is (15000)F.F.L.s 01 Licences & State Licences By the Ciunty of The State you live in only to; in the U.S. Too. An (300) Gun Dealers per fifty States to: Maxium Cap No# Limit not to be excced by one Dealers is one more too! Agreed By Crime Safty of Law OF FEDERAL Level F.F.L.s Licence Dept. too! This will stop less Guns of the Streets, Cities, Townships, Towns, counties, States Levels too! True !
1.The Total of 01 Licences Dealers oveal: all is about 70266.34 Type-01& State Licences too. 12/15/2009 A.D. in U.S. too!! Retailer Businesses too! 1/3 Are Store Fronts &Lot in Commercial zones locations are industral zones only too!! The total count is (23422.11)01 Licences & State Licence sell Firearms in all!!! They are all:. Legal Store Fronts &Lots As one Package in the commercial Business zones locations is legal too!They are Retailers do have all legal papers for there Businesses too!! no Federal Laws,& State Laws not broken too!! true!!!!!!!!!~!
1. The total of F.F.Ls Licences is Store Fronts& :lots in commercial zones is 25,315 Retailers Gun Dealers :in 50m States too!
1. The total of F.F.L.s Dealers 01 licences by V.P.C is @ 25,317 in 50 States too! is cut in half or 0.10% too. Mostly smasller Gun Stores Businesxes. Vemder Gun Show Dealers, & Residentail home, town House Apartment hoeses, Condominum Hones Gun Busineses Retailers Dealers are illegal to be there not legal by Zoning too! Licemces are cut off too! Apoplacations, Procrerssing is cut off too! No more too! Reduced too!
1. The total of Retailer Store Fronts & Lots: in the U.S. is From 1994 was 248628 to is 25315 in 2010 A.D. too!! Note: we lost about 50% of the; Number of F.F.L.s Holders to in 2007 A.D. too! The Remaining Count is (25315) F.F.L.s 01 Licences is left today too!!
1. There is total number of Retailers Businesses in 50 States No of 01 Licences did decrease to 25515 F.F.L.s to F.F.L.s will be cut down to;- ( 22,000 Type01 by end of the year of 2010 by the Twelved month too. Most of the them is ,Vender Gun Show Weekends Dealers were Vender Gun Locations Rental Buildings Locations too! Sane as the Resdential Illegals Gun Dealers in Homes.TowmHouses,Apartments,Condomimons Homes in Residential Areas is Illegal location not Valladed by Zoning Commission don"t Allow vit not to Be there is Illegal Gun Businesses Location too!! Renuals, Procresses , Applications are cut off an canncaled out & shut down too!! Building Code Laws need to obayed by Laws on the books Today too! agree!! Most of them don"t have an Store Front &Lot in Commercial Block Zones as proof of offical Paper"s as : Ligiment Businesses Retailer Gun Dealers Should be too!! Agreed!!! If they don"t abidyed by the Rules of Regulations Of Building Codes Laws of Starting up an Busineses the Legal way an the Right Way of doing things up & up too! I agreed is Federal Law & State Laws too!! Applyed by rules of the Law Books today too!! Agreed!!! Laws broked Licences of FFLs Will be cut off ancanncaled by A.T.F. Inspectors Agents do inspected Retailers Gun Dealers 01's do Straw Gun Sales is Not Legal to Sell an Fireaarms to Criminals Or Druge Dealers King Pin Whole Sale Dealers sell by Quanity of Druges & Illegal Guns to Criminal Fellons on the town, township, Cities Streets:they Hange out too!! Theres are Bad Gun Dealers Busineses are Crokked too! True!! They must be put out of Business Near Mexico Border too! Arizonia ,Texas New Mexico, Florida An the Rest of the States of the Gulf of Mexico Ocean Beaches too! true!!
1.An Analysis of Percentage of Decline Type 1 F.F.L.s :From 1994 248,628 to 2008 37972.5 !
1.An Analysis of Percentage of Decline Gun Dealers of Type 1 F.F.L.s :From 1994 248,628 to 2008 37972.5 ! 11./08/2008. 2. An Analysis of Percentageof Decline of Decline of Type 1 F.F.L.s :From 1994 248628 to 2009 25315 12/09/2009 A.D too!! Is 5th V.P.C. Records too!!
1.An Analysis of percentage of decline Gun Dealers: of type 1 1 F.F.L.s :From 1994 248628 To 2009 25,315 too!!
An Analysis of Percentage of declined of Type-01 F.F.L.s :1994 248,628 to 2009 25315
An Analysis of Percentage of declined of Type-01 F.F.L.s :1994 248,628 to 2009 25315
1. on new Year of 01/01.2010 A.D to 12/31/2010 A.D. There is total of F.F.L.S Holders Are Type-01: tota count is Left is Maxium Limit By the U.S.A is Cap Limit is Remeneded Is ( 24000) Retailer Busineses top number of;F.F.L.s is limit is that"s it no ones added is Enforced by the U.S. a too!! The Limit of Gun Busineses is per:50 State is(480) F.F.L.s is (01 Licences & State Licences to is issued too! Agreed !!! Renuals are Harder to apply for it too!! Agreed !!! It Should be time to Make it harder to Apply for F.F.L.s & State Licences to: Sell Guns at Retailer Level as a Gun Dealer Retailer Busineses too!! Renuals for the F.F,L.s are State Licences much harder to apply for it too! Agreed by the Regulations of todat too! True Strict Regulations is needed badly in todays world of 2010 A.D too! Agreed!! Laws do applyed anchange alot too! In time too!! Maxium U.S Cap linit is neded badly for the Number of Gun Dealers too!!!! Agreed It time to do itnow too!!!!! The Maxium Cap number :for 50 States Is (480) Gun Dealers to is Type-01 Maxium Cap Limit is none added is mot to passed the 480 Number F.F.L.s 01 Licences Mark is maxium number Linit Is none is added at all: stops here too! Agree!!! by 50 States only too!!!
1. We should Cut dowm the extras F.F.L.s 01s & StaTE lICENCES OF smaller Gun Dealers are to:many eggs in one location too! 2. The maxium U.S.A. Cap Limit is( 5000) F.F.Ls of (01s Licences & State Licences too. Limit needs to be Enforced by ( Federal Lawenforcement U.S. Cap number Limit is noted to reduced street Crime too! By Street Gangs of Different Groups in big Cities,TownShips,Town too! too. 3. The 50 States are a is (100) Gun Dealers 01"s F.F.L.s & State Licences too!! This Shou;d be enfoeced by Federal Lawenforcement too!! Or by State Police Or the Highway Patroll to some State too! Agreed!!! This a good Solutoin for the Rest of the 50 States too! Maxium Cap number Limit is needs to enforced too! Solution2 is: F.F.L.s Renuals Rates is 3 year Renuals is ( 2500.00 too!! The State Licences is 1/2 that cost too! is (1250).00 3 Year Renuals: Each- -time time they renewed too! Agreed by Terms for a new licences too!! Solution3: the N.F.A . Licences of fullouto"s Firearms Applications 09,011,010, off Limits too. Agreed by the Flow of Machine Guns items to are there too. Used by the Criminals Groups of the Druge War in Mexico Across the 2000 mile Border too! Pertaining to theCrooked Roge & bad Gun Dealers is 1/2 Center of the U.S.A. towards near Mexican Border too! The States are Cafifornia, Arizina, New Mexico, Texas State to Florida State too!
1. The State of Texas F.F.L.s Dealers Numbers did decline way down too. The count is (1623) 01 Licences Still going way down too! They State Law Enfoecement is needed: on a Texas F.F.L.s 01 Licences & State Licences by the Counties as well too! Agreed !! Let"s put enforced issued on a Gun Retailer Busineses of (01) Licences & State Licences issued by the County Sheriffis Dept. of Licening too! to work with the Federal Lawenforcement Divsion of Licening A.T.F. too! agree!! Enforced a Strick Cap limit too!! A Cap Limit is (480) F.F.L.s 01 Licences Retailer Gun Dealers Should be now too!! In the Entired State too! The Rest of the 49 States too. By 1/1 /2010 to 12/31/010 too! P.S. This will cut dowm the Flow of guns off the Streets were Gangs of GS-13 are hangimg out late at might too!! The Guns will be harder to find on the Streets of :Cites,Townships, Towms too!! I"m Talking HandGuns & Ammo to they Robbed From Pawn Shops & GunShops too! true!!! The Mexico Gangs are Involvrd With the Carteals of World Wide Nations of selling Illegal Druges threw the U.S. Mexico & U.S Border into U.S.A To Distroyed U.S.A. And Wipe us out of History too! True!!!
1.THE MAXIUM CAP lIMIT IN THE U.S. is by 01/01 /014 is 10,000 F.F.L.s is maxium cap Linit Stops here too! Not allow to exeeded it to not past 10.000 01 F.F.L.s maxium cap Limit is stops here too! agreed by Federal Law too!!!! too! 2. The 50 States is the maxium cap linit is ( 200) 01 F.F.L.s is the limit to each State the most of the Gun Dealers should be a cap No# limit is needed for each of the 50 States included too! Cap no# limit is most not to exeeds it at all too!! By Federal law & State Law too! agreed!!
1. The U.S. Cap Limit is,NO# is (10,000) maxium Limit too. The 50 States Limits is: a Cap No# Limit is (200) 01 F.F.L.s too!!! This is pertaining to Gun Retailer Busineses of Firearms Licences F.F.L.s 01 & State Licences Gun Dealers only too! They must have Separate Store Fronts Buildings But (No Windows Allowed too! & CommercialBusinrses lot is Separted the Place you live in too! By U.S. Federal Laws Stands on the books today too!! This is Ceiling Limit not Allow: not to be Added on extras too!!!!! This will reduced Gun Crimes used by Gangs or Street Criminals Groups in Cities, TownShips, Towns to in 50 States as well too! The Gun Dealers are GrandFather in is be Changed by Handgun Controlled inc too. The old Law is, recinded an outdated and gone from the Law Books of Zoning Commision of Building Codes of zoning too! It"s time to change the old Law of Gun Dealers Busineses are Grandfather in is History and finished for good too! And gone for good too!! P.S. Attention Zoning Dept. of Building Code Laws of: Towns, Townships,Cities, Counties, State Highways Busineses section long side of international State Highways & State Highways too! Business along the Industrail zones along the Highways as well too! agreed!!!!
1. The U.S.A. Cap No# limit is( 10000) Retailer Gun Busineses is maxium Limit too! The all the (50) States Cap No# Limit is (200) 01 F.F.L.s Retailer Busineses Dealers do Sell Firearms on market too! Theses are maxium No# Limit to be enforced by Federal Level too. And the State Levels of all Fifty State must Follow it Rules to keep the Towns,Townsships, Cities, Ciunties ,States as well to Public safty is important Fact too. We must think about our:( Town, Township, Cites Police Police Departments too. Our Sherifis Dept. all counties , State Polic, Or Highway Patroll other States too!! They Patroll out streets to kkep thr people safe from street Crimes do happen alot to every 1 hour time too! true too! Do you agreed!!! Question is: Yes, or No too!! What is your opion Sir Or Mam??? Thank you People for answering !!!! This is V.I.P. Aritle to Read too!!!
1. The Maxium U.S.A. 01 F.F.L.s Cap Gun Dealers Limit is (15000)! The 50 States 01 F.F.L.s is a all fifty States limit is (300)Gun Dealers per each of the (50) State too!! Reason is: the number of Handguns will be fewer an hard to find on the; Cites,Townships, towns too! There will not as many of the smaller Gun Dealers Busineses as before too! It will be cut in crime too!!!
1. The U.S. Cap Limit of F.F.L.s 01 Retailers Busineses Gun Dealers maxium of: 10'000 01 F.F.L.s Peak number Limit is enforce by the (A.T.F. too!!!! Needs to be enforced alkso to: in the Federal U.S.A. National Level too!!! Type-01 F.F.L.s & State licences to is included too!!! Gun Controll on the Number Of F.F.L.s Licences issued to a Certain Number of F.F.L.s Dealers too! is U.S. Cap No# Limit is (10,000) is No fearther Pased it too! Agreed!! The 50 States State Cap limit is alot lower too. Is 200 (01 F.F.L.s Licences to State Licences too! is enforced State Police Or the A.T.F. too! The the U.S. Cap Limit is enforced also too!! All Fifty State willabided by the laws of a U.S.Cap Limit Needs to be enfoirced too! No extra F.F.L.s 01 Retailer Cun Dealers maxium Count is (200) 01 Gun Deal;ers too!! No extra Gun Dealers of (01)s Will not be added at all past: 200 01 F.F.L.s & State Licences is included too! of all 50 Stats will abided by it law too! AREED!!!
1. 2010 A.D. There is overal count of (01 Total in all: 39,000 F.F.L.s Gun Dealers; Licences Retailers Busineses Store Fronts Busineses in the U.S.A. too!!
1. 2010 A.D. There is overal count of (01 Total in all: 39,000 F.F.L.s Gun Dealers; Licences Retailers Busineses Store Fronts Busineses in the U.S.A. too!! They are Still declining alot ,of the smaller Busineses will not make it too! True! 2. Solution:is out aliment goal to reduced Street Crimes too. in Cities, Townships, Towns too! The F.F.L.s Renuals of:01 Licences is a 3 year renuals ($2500.00 Fee too! By A.T.F. The State Renuals Fees State Licences is issued by the Counties Sheriffis Dept.of Dept of Licening; Which State you Live in too! agreed Federal Laws & State &Counties, Cities, Townships, Towns Laws on the books today too! true!! This will stop alot of to many smaller Gun Stores Numbers way down too. Just like the 1970's 80"s 90"s too! True it time to get better Controlls on the Renuals Licences being issued so Freley is not good too! Tighter controlls on the 01 F.F.L.s & State Licences at State Level to by the Sherifis Dept. of the counties you live in to :an the State you are from too! agree!!! This will cut alot on street Crime by Criminals Gangs & druge Ganges too! And Criminls Illegal Alliens of non Citizens living in the U.S. A. too! The Illegal Alliens have no extra Rights at all too. They are not Prilvaged at all too! No extra Rights too! They have the Same Rights as a Citizen of the U.S.A Only with Visa to enter the U.S.A. Too! True!!! They commit crimes to, an they can"t be Touch by our Police Departments, Sherifis Dept. STATE POLICE or the High Patroll of other State too! The laws must change to Protect U.S. Citizens being Harmed by Illegal Alliens do have Criminals records too! they Get away with it alot too!!!!!
1. U.S.A. Cap Limit is 01 F.F.L.s is(6000) Maxium limit too! none should mot exeed it Gun Retailer Busimeses Located in thre: Commercial Block Industrial Location zones only too! No other Zones too! too. Agreed!!! By A.T.F Too!! 2 50 States is maxium Cap limit is 01 F.F.L.s & State Licences to, (120)Not to exeeded it by it number to Agreed By all States By the U.S too! Locatede in Commercial Block Industrial Zones only too! Agreed! State Licences is issued by:Sherifis Dept to in State you live in too! agreed!!!U.S Limit is Enforce By the 50 States too! State Atorites too!! Agreed!!!! To Lower Street Gun Crimes By Gangs Groups Of Criiminals too !!!
1. The Crime In our Cities,Townships.Towns, to: is very high too!!1.Gangs of Gs-13 and other Criminals Violant Hate Groups are out of controll too! There is no Familes Lives to teach them Disapline an how to repect them of other People do have Disapline an respect for others thoughts an Rights of other Peoples ways to respected the laws too! The Criminals Gangs were never taught that way too! True!!! We have an problem with our young People Additudes are different in the ways is No repect for other Whiches of People do repect the Laws of our Nation too! is for Law enorder by our States, Counties, Cities,Townsships,Towns also !!!! The Ganges Deal in Druges n Street Crime too! They are wild an Violant too! true ! 2. Note: we Should cut down of the Number of smallers Retailer Gun Dusineses are Smaller Gun Retailers, of 01 & Import & Export 08 Dealers, too!! Licences too! 2# Solution is: The next Step is: to do it wight to lower Gun Crimes By Wild Street Ganges too! They robbed smaller Gun stores Business too! They Robbed Handguns &ammo too!!!!! They do bithered with long guns at all too! Or it ammo too!! 3# They should be an Cap No# enforced limited F.F.L.s 01 Licences in the; U.S. A. is ( atot lower then 15000 or 10000 01 Licences Retailer Gun Dealers or Import & Export Dealers too! Agreed!!! 4# The U.S.A. Cap Limit should be alot lower too!Federal Level is U.S A. The Figure Suuggested Figure is ( 60000) 01 F.F.L.s is the Maxium Cap No# Limit too. None will be added no more too! Reason is lower street Crimes too! agreed! The U.S.Cap Number Limit is 120 01 F.F.L.s to for---- 50 States Groverments Cap- Level of maxium number Limit to for State Licenced at State Level of State Laws on Firearms Laws too! The Maxium Cap Limit is (120) State Licences on Retailers is 01 F.F.L.S Busineses Sales on market Businreses too! And Import & Export Dealers are o8 F.F.L.s Sell to regular Retailer Dealers only too! I do Agreed By Federal Gun Laws & State Laws, Cities,Townships,town Laws too!! This will cut the number of Stolen Guns s are Robbed by Drugs Related Crimes will go way down too! Hand Guns Wil be harder to find on our streets today too! True!!! The Reauals For 3 years type-01 is to get it is ($2500.00) 3 years New F.F.L.s 01 Licences too! They will Finger Printed you for Renuals Licences . Or First Time An New Gun Dealer goes into Retailer Gun Busineses too. Or Import & Export too> Or Mfg Co. Busineses too! agreed!!! by the Chief Of Police Towns. Townsships ,Cities, too. Or by the Sheriff of the Counties you live in too! The State Licences Renuls cost ($1250.00)per each renuals new Licence too. Every there years to is issued by the Countis Sherifis of State Licences Sell all Firearms , Import& Export or Mfgs Co Businrss to make Firearms too! All State Licences Will be Issued by the Counties Sherffis Dept, The State you live in too! agreed by Federal Laws & State Laws too! Agreed!!!Thankyou !!!!!!!! State
1. The Bigger Busineses Like Calesballas, Basspro Sporting Goods,Co. Gandermountain Out Door Stores, Dick"s Sporting Goods Stores has grown too! No of Stores 409 in most of the State too! They will take over about (80)% of the Out door Sales too! They Buy the Bigger Quanties of Supplies:by Purching by wholesale orders,for all the Stores too! They Each have a Main Whrehouse Supply House Feeds all the outlets Busineses in the U.S.A too! True!!!! This is how they make there Millions: of Dollars each Month; on sertatain items go on Sale too! To make room for New Stock they Just ordered too! True!!! The Stock on Sale is about ).29% off the Sales Price of the Sale items get"s New Customers to come in to Purching it Immeadily that sertaim Week or Month too! P.S. the smaller Gun Dealers Are Shunking dowm in Numbers fast too! Thepopularity of the: smaller Gun Store Busineses are not as Popular as years Age in the !970" 80" 90'S too!! By the Year 1/1 2000 A.D too! The Number of Gun Stores Business were (69,591) too! In 7 years Passed too! It was (50630) Gun Dealers Busineses to are Smaller Units too! true! Smaller Gun Retailer Busineses are less then 0.20% too! Is The Number Count to today too! True!!!! 2.Years Lster The Number Of Gun Dealers: Busineses Had Plunned Downward too! I Meam way Down to; About Was 1/1. 2009 A.D. It was 1/2 was Declined downed to:, (25,315)01 F.F.L.s OM 2010 A.D THERE IS ABOUT 20,000 01 f.f.L.S CORRECT NUMBER GUN BUSINESES today No# Count too!! True!!! The Renual Rates Went way up too! 01 Licences Renuals is 3 years to ,the Fee Cost $2500.00 & be Fingerprinted Each time you Apply For a New F.F.L.s Licence is renewed too! The State Licence Cost about 1/2 the cost of the 01 F.F.L.s too! Renual of State Licence is issued Sherifis Plus (you) Male, Or Female too! Yoy are Finger Printed each time you apply a new State Licence Sell all Firearms in General too! Agreed!! by all the Terns! Whem you Apply for new State Licence Renuals or the First Time to Start a Gun Busineses too! Theses are Federal Laws & State Laws on the Books Today too! True!!
1. They Should and limit on the number of smaller Gun Retailers Busineses are samallers Busineses too! P.S. None should not exeed the maxium Cap limit per State too! The Limit pre fifty States should be about (130) 01 Smaller Gun Retailer Business too! To many of them are Targeted by Street Druges Gangs of organized Crime in populated Crowed Cities too! The Suburbans Cities Are Next too! And the Townships, & towns in: the out skirts areas too! Alot Druge Dealers Excaped from Cities Police too! True They head for the Smaller townships, an towns too! True!! This is serios porblem we must face onr dat in the future too! It will be getting bad all over in every State in the U.S.A. Too! time will tell yet too! agreed!!!!!! Wait and see!!
1. The renuals F.F.L.s Fees 3 yrar Remuals 01 Licences cost $$$ 2500.00 everytine you applyed new Licences for 01 Dealers too! agreed! 2.The State Licences is State Level to: is issued by the country sherifis Dept. of what country you live in too! $$$ Yrar Fee is 1250.00 too! to sell all Firearms in gereral at Retailer Gun Dealers Busineses too! agreed! This will slow down the number of Handguns are Stolin out of smaller Gun Stores when they are closed late at night at 3rd Shift too! From 9:00 P.M. To 9:00 A.M in the morning too! Agreed ! There will be fewer Guns mot on the Streets:, Cities, TowmShips, Towms , all FifTy Statesw is Included too! True !!
1. Title of subject is totol of: ( F.F.L.s 01 Gun Dealers & State Licences to;in the U.S.A. in 2010 A.D. The total about count is about 1/2 of the Gun Dealers gone too.The smaller Gun dealers couldn"t not ends meet too! this is difficult serios times is,money is very tight too! recession is here too! True!!! The total count is near(39,000) total count in U.S.A. too!
1. The total number of Gun Dealers Busineses of 01 licences& State Licences No#total 39000 in the U.S.A. in 2010 A.D. too!
1. The Number of Gun Dealers 01 Licences smaller Stores &lots did decline sharp drop in Numbers too! They wemt from 50,630 3 years ago: to 25,315 in 2009 too! Today around 22,000 today 06/01/2010 A.D too! Busineses is very slow an diffult to run a smaller Gun Busiseses any kind too! most of them go out of Busineses or close up for good too! true Answer is no Jobs or Wages are $7:50 Hr too!!!!!!!!
1. There Should And U.S. No# Cap, on the Gun Dealers in the (U.S. 01 Licence Max No# 20,000!!! is topps too! nome will be added to in U.S. By the A.T.F too!! Agreed!!! to Lower Gun Crime in the Nation too! Agreed!!!!!! The 50 States U.S. Cap Limit is 01 No# Gun Dealers Retailers is(400) U.S. Cap limit topps! None will be Added no more! By A.T.F.Agreed!!! To lower Gun Crime too!
1. The U.S. Cap No# Limit is (6000) 01 F.F.L.s In the U.S.A. Too! none of the 01 F.F.L.s Don"t exeeded it too! 2.50 States is U.S. Cap Limit of (120) 01 Dealers in each of the States too! Max Limit of )1 Dealers per 50 States too! If is our goal if the U.S. Groverment will do it too! This is Smart way to cut down Gun Crimes too! Cities, Townships, Towns, Counties, State Interstate highways & busineses too! agreed!!!
1. State of ilinois State Mayer Daley in City of Chicago windy city too! There is about near count in State is more then 1840 01 Retailers Gun dealers Store Fronts &Lots in Commercial Block zones too! A law should put to work by the police department regulations as follows to stop crime off the City Streets too! agreed!!! Let's do it get working on it now too! Chicage Police Department or the cook country sheriffis dept. head Sheriffis Chief officer of the country of cook country too! agreed too. Reduced Gangs groups 1000 different groups too! agreed!! There should be Carefull on 7days too! all young people should at home too! and off the City Streets of Chicao Streets be in the home Townhouses,Apartments, Coundoesminum homes too!! 2. the Federal agents should tryed to reduced the number of smaller Gun Dealers Busineses if the sell straw Handguns sales to Gangs Members do have Criminals Arrested records too! An Druge Arrests in, Gangs of Chicago City Of the State of Illinios State of all in cook mcounty too! there record as well too! Those Gun Stores are breaking the Federal Laws & State Laws too! There Licences will be confidcated & State Licence by the Cook Country Sherifis dept. of State Licenes to, sell in: Retailer, Impoet& Export, or Mfg Co, State Licence & Distribor Corp, orcompany or companies gone bad to break Federal Laws &State Laws of selling Firearms the illegal way under the table deals is illegal and Criminals Serios afferance too! Licences Will Be Reviked By the A.T.F. &sherifis Dept. will Revoked the State licences for Firearms At State of Illinois State too! They will di it to put the bad Gun dealers 01 F.F.L.s out of Busineses for good too! You will be black balled for the rest of your life too! This goes for Non Citizens are not Americans at all too! Federal Agents will watch those illegal Alliens in the 50 Stats as well too! They will be watch too!! as a Safe Distance too! Agreed!!!!! The Mexicans Illegals alliens Perpear the Druges for the Druge Dealers id the U.S. to An the whole saler Druge Dealer Distribor home, townhouse,apartments, Condominums Homes,Aprtments as well to ismost expensive homes they buy too! with Druge money too! true!!!
1.Some of the 01 Gun of Smaller Dealers Busineses to many too! some need to be cut down too! By 0.40 Cut dowm too! Agreed!!!
As one of those small-time home-based FFL dealers in the early 1990s, let me say: Allah forbid that I should have been allowed to run a business out of my home -- like Hewlett-Packard or Apple Computer did in the early days. What next, kids selling lemonade without a license?
The Leftists bemoan the fact that 80-something percent of counties don't have abortion providers, and that this is an intolerable restriction on a woman's "right to choose" (whether or not to have an abortion).
But the engineered decline in the number of gun dealers, which added to the cost and hassle of obtaining a gun, does not infringe on the right to own firearms?! Yeah, right. If Clinton had worked to make gun ownership "safe, legal, and rare," the NRA would have endorsed him.
A large number of small-time dealers was a perfect compromise to the desire for gun tracing. Instead of one large single database, which gun owners rightfully fear, records were decentralized by nearly 300,000 FFL licensees. The small time dealers who sold to their friends -- which is what Brady and VPC complain about -- knew their customers. The ability for law enforcement to trace a gun used in a crime existed. I may not be a criminal justice genius, but once a gun has been traced from the factory, to the distributor, to the dealer, which would make the investigation easier? A large retailer who sells hundreds or thousands of guns a year to strangers? Or a small-time dealer who sells a few guns a year, mostly to friends and friends-of-friends?
Hobbyists with FFLs willfully accepted both the regulatory and financial costs of having an FFL, in exchange for the benefits.
But that wasn't good enough for Clinton, Brady, and the VPC.
Now that we no longer have to, nor am able to, conduct background checks on anyone we may sell a gun to, the gun-control lobby seeks to impose the costs of having an FFL, without any of the benefits (and have partially succeeded).
Now, instead of being able to start a gun-dealer business with a few hundred dollars, startup costs are probably in the $100,000 range. Why the Republicans and the NRA have not done anything to reverse the 1993 rules on gun dealer licensing is beyond me.