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Gun Mfrs seek cert. on DC decision
The Insurance Journal reports that gun manufacturers have filed for cert. with the Supreme Court, from the DC Circuit ruling upholding the DC ordinance that imposes strict civil liability for making an "assault weapon" that winds up (by any means) in DC and is used to harm a resident. My previous post on the case is here.
A modest proposal: if a law such as this (a mfr is liable if his product reaches this state (in any way, including by theft and interstate transport), strictly liable for any misuse (even tho the original retail sale in a different state was lawful), then perhaps my own Arizona could enact a law that would enrich its citizens at the expense of out-of-state auto manufacturers. Just enact a law imposing strict liability on the manufacturer of a vehicle that is misused in way that causes an injury. This should be appealing to the Legislature, since there are no in-state manufacturers, and it would drain a few hundred million a year out of Detroit and into Tucson and Phoenix.
Heck, have AZ pass a strict liability law for any harm caused by a politician in DC. You all would be Bill Gates rich in a heartbeat.