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Hunter pays $110,000 to pop mountain goat in Pakistan
When I was in DC, representing US Fish and Wildlife Service, one of the biologists explained to me he'd set up conservative arrangements in the tribal areas of Pakistan. The locals were meat-hunting; the mountain goats were just a stringy dinner. Once he showed one mountain goat could be worth more in hard currency than the entire village earned in a year, they suddenly became great conservationists! Those goats weren't dinner; they were a way to become rich beyond their wildest dreams.
He told me the locals caught one of the wealthiest men in Pakistan poaching. They stomped him, took his rifle and his pants and left him alone in the wilderness. When he protested to a tribal elder, the man said he agreed that the young men had acted badly. "I will tell them, the next time they see you, they are to shoot you."
Of course, the biologist who set this up was later run out of the agency....
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