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Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act
Received an email from NSSF:
"Call Your U.S. Representative's Chief of Staff and politely insist that Congress act on the Energy Conference report that contains the Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act. Please CALL TODAY before Congress takes up the Continuing Resolution to fund the federal government past Dec. 9."
Here's a summary of the bill:
The Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act is reauthorized through FY2025. The North American Wetlands Conservation Act and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Establishment Act are reauthorized through FY2020.
Components of firearms and ammunition and sport fishing equipment and its components (such as lead sinkers) are exempted from regulations of chemical substances under the Toxic Substances Control Act.
The proportion of funding from the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act that states may use for public target ranges is increased.
Interior must issue permits for the importation of polar bear parts taken in sports hunts in Canada before May 15, 2008, which is the date the species was listed as threatened.
The bill revises standards for determining what a baited area is for purposes of the prohibition on taking migratory game birds.
Federal public land management officials must facilitate hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting on certain federal public land. Land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management or the Forest Service must be open for hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting unless the managing agency acts to close the land.
This bill provides special rules to expand access to federal land and waterways for film crews of five people or fewer.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may not prohibit individuals from possessing a firearm in public areas of a water resources development project. The National Park Service may not prohibit individuals from transporting bows and crossbows if certain requirements are met.
Funds from the Land and Water Conservation Fund are allocated for priority projects that secure public access to federal public lands for hunting, fishing, and other recreational purposes.
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