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Bloomberg for once shows candor
Story here. Original story here.
"Bloomberg claimed that 95 percent of murders fall into a specific category: male, minority and between the ages of 15 and 25. Cities need to get guns out of this group's hands and keep them alive, he said."
A narrower version of the Black Codes, in other words. Of course, no government can "get guns out of this group's hands." All it can do is arrest and imprison people within that group who possess firearms (whether for self-defense or for crime). In an article which I've written, I explore studies of social relationships within extremely high crime areas (as in ten times the national homicide rate) that conclude that, even in those areas, lethal violence is confined to a tiny part of the population; 98-99% of the population isn't interested in killing anyone, tho they may be in keeping themselves alive.
Bloomberg, who travels protected by armed guards, doesn't see the difference between his position here and what he says earlier in the article: "It's always the poor that get screwed."
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